Monday, February 27, 2012

Wake Up Call **Graphic Images**

To me this does not seem feminine OR healthy:
Quite frankly, I'm a little scared!!

I cried when I saw these women.  Their thinking is poisoned to think that they have to be skinny. That they are too fat.  That every "roll" and "flab" is disgusting and disturbing.  Anorexia destroys lives.  We NEED to help those suffering with this to overcome it! This is so scary and VERY real.

This, seems a lot more like it!
These women are REAL. Beautiful. Unique. They are smiling!
Each of these women are healthy- might carry a few too many pounds, but they are happy!! They are confident in their own skins!

 My goals I want for myself are simple. Real. Achievable.  I am tired of false goals and people setting the bars way too high for my body type.  I will probably never be a size 2.  I'm ok with that!!
I want to look good in jeans and a ratty sweater, shorts and a tank top, shoot- even in my underwear!
I'll be 100% honest- I WILL mess up and blow my workout routine.  I WILL "forget" to eat right.  But I will try my hardest to do what is healthy and right for my body type.

This is your WAKE UP CALL.

Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Ghost... we are to treat it as such! Food, proper drink, exercise, etc. should be taken seriously.  More often than not, it is abused.  We drink in excess, we let our bodies go to the point of literally no return.  The body is starved to the point that it can no longer take a breath for life.  Drugs and medications are pumped into the mainstream of our lives; to what point is there an end?!

Stand up TODAY and take a stand.  Treat your body the way it should be treated. It should be an honor to take care of the temple of the Holy Ghost... let's not ruin it!

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