Thursday, February 9, 2012

5 Minute, Dangerously Good Doughnuts!

I found this recipe the other day on and HAD to share it with you! I am so terribly sorry that it is not on the "healthy" list, but it is still so good nonetheless! :)

5 Minute, dangerously amazing doughnuts~
Makes 8 doughnuts

You will need:
1 package of Homestyle biscuits (make sure it's not the flakey layers kind)
Oil for frying (Any kind of your choosing, I used sunflower oil)

This is what you do:
  • Pop open the container of homestyle biscuits.  Form a hole in the center with your fingers or use a small cookie cutter. (You can use a star, heart, circle or whatever shape you choose)
  • Pour 1 inch of sunflower oil (or your choice of oil) into a shallow cooking pan.  Bring to a low-medium heat.
  • Place doughnuts into hot and ready oil. Cook until golden, turning to cook the other side until golden brown.
  • Remove from the oil and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar mixture to cover.
  • Now sit back, enjoy, and sip a cup of your favorite roast or tea!

1 comment:

  1. I just made these for breakfast!! SO DELICIOUS!! Thank you for the great recipe!! :)
