Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Top Do's and Don'ts

DO: Choose porridge over breakfast cereal.  This is a good source of slow-released energy; meaning that you will fill up quicker and stay filled up for a longer period of time.

DON'T: Fill up on sugary cereals! These are full of processed sugars and have no nutritional value. Try not to skip breakfast... food is fuel for the day!

DO: Use pure fruit spreads instead of jam.  Sugar occurs naturally in fruit spreads.

DON'T: Use jams and jellies.  These are packed with added sugars and chemical sweeteners. 

DO: Choose low butter and salt on your popcorn.  Try to cut it out all the way to zero... just air-popped, popcorn.

DON'T: Reach for that bag of Doritos or Lays no matter how loud they scream your name! Chips are so loaded with processed garbage and are very high in sodium!

DO: Grab a piece of fresh fruit for a midmorning or afternoon snack.

DON'T:  Choose snack bars, or other proccesed foods for a filling snack.  These contain loads of cane sugar, saturated fat and corn syrup.
Your body will thank you for it later!

DO:  Try and make it your goal to introduce sweet potatoes into your diet.  They are chocked full of complex carbs, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and beta-carotene.

DON'T:  Hesitate to switch to sweet potato fries or other things that sweet potatoes can be substituted with!

DO: Choose Extra-Virgin olive oil when cooking.  EVOO has a high monounsaturated fat content and antioxidant properties. These are the "good fats"; same with avocados. Choose glass bottles instead of plastic ones because PCV's can be absorbed from the plastic.

DON'T: Use vegetable oil as much as possible! It is the "artery clogger" we should all run from!

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