Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat?

So it's here again, Halloween.  Every year I want to get all jazzed about it and dress up as something funny, but every year for the last couple of years I end up bagging out.  I'm really not that into it, so it would seem.  I'm sure I will step on a few toes with this subject, and I'm sorry, but after all- my blog is simply a place that I express myself- regardless of what others think. 
This morning at the coffee stand customer after customer came through craning their necks to see what I was wearing.  One fellow stated that I was a little "over dressed". Plainly hinting at the fact that I had all of my clothes on.  So here I am, probably one of the few that has CLOTHES on- practically a turtle-neck sweater. hehe just kidding about that, but still.  What is the constant need for the ladies (if you care to use that term) of America to be scantily clad??  It baffles me to the core- dress like they do, then complain when a creeper tries something sneaky or comments are made. 
TRICK:  The trick is society making Halloween costumes as raunchy as they can and IT'S OK.  I really don't have that big of a beef with the fact that people like to dress up... it's FUN!!  Just the fact that it is EXPECTED to be "bad" lol.  The way that inappropriate costumes are expected. What if I want to dress as Little Bo Peep? I don't think I would get the "best costume" award.  I don't know about you, but I want to be known for good morals, standards and clean fun. 
TREAT:  The treat is the fact that we have the joy of having "naughty nurses" and "bad cops" surrounding us everywhere.  And yes, I'm being sarcastic.  hehe American society is training our young men that it is OK to look where eyes shouldn't.  It's raising up our young women that it's OK to draw attention to long legs and low bust lines. 
So there you have it- my thoughts on Halloween.  I love carving pumpkins, lighting candles and a fire, reading murder mysteries and even the occasional horror film- but you won't see me with a band-aid and stethoscope in my nurse outfit to doctor you up.  Just sayin'. :)

1 comment:

  1. No toes stepped on here. My favorite costume ever was when I went as Sarah Palin and that was just flat out hilarious =]
