Monday, October 17, 2011

Buck, Down!!

So it has been a few days (again, ugh) since my last post... I have some awesome things to share- which I will get to later ;) But first comes first.

Hunting season is OFFICIALLY here! Well, rifle season, at least.  The fifteenth brought no luck, and it was my Dad's birthday so we had to call it a day earlier that we would have liked.  Sunday didn't bring any more luck.. or so we thought.  Before church I squeezed in a morning hunt; rushing back to the house to throw on some makeup and "church" clothes before I was late.  I only saw one buck- and it ran away with it's white-flag tail waving at me. 
After church I had a photo session with my Aunt and Uncle for their family pictures- and all of us together for a huge family photo.  Laughter was on the top of our list as I set the timer and ran like a banshee to jump in the picture.
FINALLY, we set off for our evening hunt.  My poor brother was sicker than a dog with a head cold, but he still trudged along- eager to get himself a Bambi.  I felt like I was coming down with something and had a headache, but my mind was focused on what lay ahead- skinning, gutting; the works.  Or so I hoped. 
We pulled off to watch a field that my Dad has been seeing some deer in (there wasn't enough time to go traipsing out in the woods) and we waited and waited some more for the deer.  After watching our fifth "Allstate Insurance Mayhem" commercial on my phone (hehe) we finally saw some movement in the far corner of the field.  One doe, two fawns.  They ran to the opposite side of the field, blowing up and spooking like a cougar was in hot pursuit.  Stopping at the far side where we wouldn't be able to shoot, my Dad decided to check it out.  Sure enough- trespassers.  Goofy people.  Thanks alot. 
We thought of other places to go, but with daylight fading in only another hour we really didn't have many other options that were close by.  So we started heading towards my grandparent's, where they have a huge field that sometimes will have deer browsing through the delicate, tender clover and grass. 
We came upon the area and lo and behold there WERE deer out in the field!  We couldn't quite tell what they were or how many, so we went to the other side of the barn and whipped out the binoculars.  Sure enough, a BUCK!!! Suddenly, my headache was gone and even Loren was a little perkier.  Earlier in between Mayhem commercials, we flipped for who would be the first shooter.. and I won with tails ;)  Here we go!!
I took a rest and my breathing was slow and steady as I put the cross hairs in the kill zone.  A couple of does were behind him, so I had to wait while they moved.  He was facing away at horrible angle, but I envisioned where his heart would be and while his head was down, time stood still for just a moment.  Ah, what happens in a moment!  A bird chirped, the grass waved.  A flicker of an ear, twitch of a tail.  Slow and steady... I pulled the trigger and he went down immediately- my head flew up and I chambered another shell and my eye looked through the scope again.  No need for another shot- HE'S DOWN!
We got back to the truck and drove over to check out the situation.  Perfect shot! With his head down the way it was, my shot was perfectly in the kill zone (lungs) and the exit wound is where it broke his back right above his shoulders. 
I started shaking and I thought it was from the cold, but when I called my boyfriend to tell him the news he said I sounded really excited. ;)  I was- I don't ever NOT get excited! So the shakes must have been from excitement....hehe.  For me it is all about the experience- wither it is in the woods or a field- a monster pig or a tiny buck... to me I love it all!
Getting back to the house we hung him up and started skinning.  My brother and boyfriend worked quickly and I got to finish it up with skinning and gutting.  Alot of people are shocked with the concepts of hunting, but for us it is a way of life.  Something that I hope someday my kids will enjoy doing.  Learning about how to provide food for your family- food for nourishment.  If they don't, that is ok, too.  It's not for everyone, but for me it is my favorite time of year- a time of year that we, as a family, can do what we love, together. 

PS... I forgot to mention it was an eleven pointer!! Just kidding- it's just a spike, but he is a tall spike. ;)  I hunt for meat- so the majority of my animals have been spikes and two-points.  (But it's all GREAT to me... and still exciting every time)

1 comment:

  1. My heart was racing was reading this! I keep glassing our front field this morning. Saw two doe last night out there. I swear they had a buck pow wow and got really educated this year on how to hide. But through the fruits of our labor yesterday we were able to find where they crossed the river and high traffic zones...not to forget the abundant blackberries! See ya later =] today!
