Monday, March 12, 2012

Sweet Stir Fry with Honey Dijon Chicken

This is such an easy thing to make for lunch or dinner! Make each item by itself, or use them for the same meal!
Stir Fry Ingredients:
Small bunch of Broccoli
4-5 stems of Asparagus
3-4 baby Carrots
3 mushroom caps
Red onion
Low-sodium soy sauce
Fresh ginger
Brown sugar
Garlic salt

Honey Dijon Chicken Ingredients:
1 large chicken breast
Equal parts Dijon mustard and honey
1 stem of green onion

1. Chop up 1/8 cup of red onion.  Slice baby carrots into thin strips and place in a small stir fry pan with some olive oil.  Cook until onion is tender, carrots will still be a little crisp.

2. Cut broccoli and asparagus into small, bite-sized pieces and add to the stir fry pan.
3. Add sliced up mushrooms and stir fry until mushrooms have a nice brown color.

4. While everything is cooking up, pour about a 1/8- 1/4 cup of low-sodium soy sauce into a small sauce pan.
5. Grate a pinch of fresh ginger into the pan with soy sauce and add a teaspoon of garlic salt. 
6. Add enough brown sugar to sweeten it to your taste. Add to your stir-fried veggies right before serving.  Just add enough to barely coat them- or add more if you have a sweet tooth, but I like just a tad. :)

Dijon Chicken:

1. Slice up 1 large chicken breast into tiny, thin, delectable strips.
2. Place in a saute pan and pan sear with a little bit of olive oil until chicken is golden on both sides.
3. Pour the equal parts mixture of honey and Dijon mustard straight onto the chicken. 

4. Add chopped green onion and stir around so the sauce coats the chicken.  Add some of the left over soy sauce for some extra kick, if desired. (I did, and it was great!)

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