Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homemade Fruit Roll-Ups

I think every kid loves fruit roll-ups.  My hand is definitely raised to this one... I love fruit leather! I hate the prices that are tagged on store-bought fruit snacks, and they have alot of added sugars and preservatives.
Include your children in this one.. this can become a fun and very special treat for them!

What you will need:
Choose your fruit: I used nectarines, strawberries and raspberries for mine.
Sugar (Optional)
 Baking sheets
Parchment paper
Sauce pan

Let's start with the nectarines.  Start by washing, halving and pitting them up.  If you are using strawberries and raspberries (or any other fruit) cut into smaller pieces to make it easier for them to cook down.

Yum! Ripe strawberries :)

Washed, and cut- ready to cook down!

Place In a saucepan and cook on a medium high heat for 15 to 20 minutes until your fruit cooks itself down into an apple sauce texture.  There is no need to add any water- as long as you keep stirring, it won't burn.  At this point, take a pair of tongs and take out the skin from the nectarines and throw it away. Be careful if little ones are helping- this will be VERY hot!!
Add some sugar if desired- this also helps to create a thicker sauce for your fruit leather.  The natural sugar in the nectarines will be enough though if you choose to not add any additional sugar.
Smash and mash everything up super, duper good.  Use an immersion blender if you have to- get the fruit as smooth as you can.

Line your baking sheet (I used sheets that had a lip on them in case of any spills) and spoon the cooked fruit right onto the parchment paper. Make sure the fruit gets spread as close to the edges as you can, and try to make it thin.  The thicker you spread it, the longer it takes to dehydrate.


Nectarine :)
Turn your oven on to the lowest setting it has to offer.  (Mine was 170 degrees) Leave it on until it beeps, saying that it is to temperature.  Turn off the oven, letting it cool almost all the way back down.  Keep turning the oven on and off until the fruit is tacky to touch. (2-3 hours)

This is the hard part- trust me! You will start smelling the goodness and your mouth will start watering after just the first few minutes! :)
After your fruit leather is tacky, take it out of the oven and let it cool.  Take kitchen scissors and cut it into strips length-wise and roll it up to make your fruit roll-ups! Store in the fridge.... and eat when you are craving some goodness!! :)

1 comment:

  1. These are so yummy!! It was a success and not real hard to make. These cost so much at the grocery store, but now we can enjoy homemade fruit leather! Yum!! Great one Maleah
