Friday, March 30, 2012

DIY Liquid Handsoap

I LOVE creamy hand soaps. The rich, delectable lather- the fragrance! If only there was a way to create our own... it get's expensive to buy depending on which kind you choose as your favorite! So I set out to find the perfect recipe... and guess what, ladies and gentlemen?! I have found the best one ever!
Recently I've looked at quite a few recipes, and thought I would try the one that has the least amount of ingredients (because I didn't have any liquid glycerin and I didn't feel like going to town just for that). I found one that just requires a bar of your favorite soap and water!!

What you will need:

1 bar of soap (I used what I had on hand to test it out.. Yardley- Lemongrass Verbena)
4 cups of water (I ended up using almost another gallon of water!... )

Start by grating or finely chopping up one bar of soap. Bring four cups of water to boil and then turn off the heat.  Place shavings in the hot water and stir up to dissolve.  (The soap will dissolve faster if you grate it)

Let it cool and check your handiwork! I had to heat it up slightly to make blending easier and I added more water. (Two different times! lol) It was way to thick... it was jelly for your hands! :( But PROBLEM SOLVED with more water!! :) I don't know if it was the type of soap I used or what... but I'm going to be experimenting with different types and find out! So to be safe, stick with four cups of water at first.

Another recipe I came across was one for Meyer's liquid soap... and I'm sure ya'll know how expensive Meyer's can be!! For a 4 dollar bar of soap, you can make 50 dollars worth of liquid hand soap!

1 bar of Meyer's Clean Day soap (any scent)
1 gallon of water
2 Tablespoons liquid glycerin

Using the same method as above, grate your soap and add to hot water to dissolve.  Add two tablespoons of liquid glycerin (found in the band aid isle) at the end and stir up really well.  If your soap is still too thick once it cools, use the same technique as above to loosen it up some.  Pour into a cleaned gallon milk jug to store.

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