Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Women's Challenge- PRIZE awarded!!

So with all the hubbub of the "new year", and EVERYONE making a New Year's resolution, I thought it was high time for me to have one as well.  One.  I refuse to call it a resolution.  Two.  I will from here on out call it a LIFE CHALLENGE.  :)

You wondering what it is?? I am starting a challenge for myself and whoever chooses to accept the mission along with me.  A workout challenge.  Don't panic and start sweating and want to hide.  This will be fun! I promise! And just for kicks, I'll post pictures of my progress along this entire journey.  Pictures of my not-so-in-shape self.... most likely gross and icky, showing you exactly how to do the workouts!!  But you know what??  In the end we will all feel better about ourselves and I think you (myself included) will be so much happier, have more energy and want to keep it up as a new life change. :) 

What is this I hear about a PRIZE?? For all of my followers (please become one if you currently are not to be able to enter in the contest for your chance to win the prize!!!)  I am funding a woo-hoo-you-did-it-and-feel-great-about-yourself prize!! Please feel free to comment on any of these posts about your progress or questions to let me know who is following this!

Here's what you need to do to get started.....
I recommend starting a journal to track your progress. It will come in handy to see how far you have come!

I totally, 100% realize that this is the worst thing probably, well, ever.  I hate (did I mention that already?) taking measurements, but trust me on this one, once you do and see your progress down the line- it is totally worth it.  Measure your upper arms, top part of your thighs, your stomach (across your belly button), around your butt (at the widest point, sorry!) and your bust line. 

Weigh In.
This part is also one that I detest. (No surprise there) But it must be done.  Weight yourself and log it down. 

Goals.  I really do think that setting a goal for yourself is important.  For starters, make sure that you look at only one month in advance so you don't overwhelm yourself!! This is something that I always end up doing, and regret it later when I can only stick to a plan for a couple of weeks.  Write down things like inches lost, weight lost, etc. as your goals :)

Get ready for a great next few months! It will go by so much faster than you ever imagined!  I will do my best to keep things interesting and fresh... complete with loads of new workouts to keep you from getting bored of the same ol' stuff and lots of amazing recipes to nourish your body, mind and spirit :)

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