Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bacon, spinach, (and who-knows-what-else) LOADED Panini with Basil Secret Sauce

So winter must be that time of year that draws my attention to crafty things... and it seems to pull out some of the most random craft/DIY ideas imaginable.
After a long, hard couple of hours playing with the dogs and quads in the snow, I came inside to whip something up for dinner for my mom and I. (No one else was hungry lol) This is what I made up on a whim....
The Bacon, Spinach (and who-knows-what-else) LOADED Panini with Basil Secret Sauce.

You guessed it, it was simply melt-in-your-mouth, delicious! Add or take away any of the ingredients... and make it your own!

Here's what I did:

* Two pieces of bread (Your choice) per sandwich
* Bacon (To taste... but I used four pieces per sandwich)
* Mozzarella cheese
* Assorted bell peppers, sliced into strips
* 1/2 Avocado, sliced
* Spinach, washed and dried
* 4-5 baby carrots, shredded (I think they are sweeter than regular carrots)
* Couple squeezes of lemon juice (or you can use 1/2 teaspoon of bottled lemon juice)
* 1 Spoonfull, plus 1/4 cup Mayonnaise
* 1 Tablespoon dried basil leaves, crushed
* 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
* George Foreman grill, or panini maker

Start by cooking the bacon on the George Foreman on Medium-High heat.  This will take a bit longer than the usual frying, but more grease comes out this way. 

Meanwhile, shred carrot into a small sauce pan.  Cook for a couple of minutes over Medium heat.  Squeeze lemon a couple of times and add your 1 spoonfull of Mayo.  Stir for a couple of minutes, until hot and steaming.  Bacon should be done about this time.

In a small bowl, mix remaining Mayo, Dijon mustard and basil leaves to make a basil-mayo spread. Set aside.

Once bacon is removed from the George Foreman, cook bell peppers on the grill.  Turn occasionally, making sure to cook to your desired taste. (I like mine just a little bit on the raw side)

Next, spread both pieces of bread with the mayo mixture, using as much as desired, on one side of the bread.

Slice thin pieces of the Mozzarella cheese and place on top of the mayo on one side of the sandwich.  (This will be the bottom of the sandwich, because the George Foreman is hotter on the bottom than the top, so your cheese will be nice and melted.)

Now it's time for the magic!! :) Put the sliced avocado on the bottom...place the bacon next... (helps melt the cheese more) and place a handfull or your desired amount of the uncooked spinach leaves right on top.  Place your sauteed bell peppers next.... then comes the carrot mixture.  This part is optional, but I chose to grate some extra Mozzarella cheese over everything to help melt the top piece of bread to the rest of the sandwich. :)

Place your sandwich in the George Foreman (The bacon grease can either be partially wiped away or left for more flavor) and cook on Medium-High heat until your sandwich is golden brown! (Mine took 2-3 minutes)

Match with your favorite soup, or pair with chips... and ENJOY!!

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