Monday, January 23, 2012

French Onion Soup

I have never liked onions. Period.  Yet, for some reason I thought that I would try a French Onion Soup recipe.  Go figure.  :) I think it is due to the amazing picture of caramelized onions, and meltedcheeses... oh boy- it sure looked good!
So this is the adventure I chose to partake in- and it turned out FABULOUSLY!  Everyone at the Fire Station tried it, and it was a hit! Heck, even I fell for it. :)

Makes 6 servings     PREP   15 minutes
COOK 31 minutes       BROIL 5 minutes

3 Tablespoons butter
3 pounds onions, peeled and thinly sliced (I used two extra large onions)
1 teaspoon sugar
2 Tablespoons all purpose flour
1 large box (32 oz.) reduced sodium beef broth
1/4 cup red wine (I used a nice Cabernet Sauvignon because it compliments wild game or soups well)
French bread
6 ounces Gruyere cheese
I chose to use some moose meat... that's what you get when you're a hunting family :) Thanks, Dad!


1. Melt butter in a very large,deep pot over medium heat.  Add onions, and stir to coat.  Cover; cook 15 minutes,, stirring occasionally, until onions are very soft and begin to turn golden brown.

2. Uncover; increase heat to medium-high.  Add sugar and cook, uncovered, 10 minutes, stirring often.  Sprinkle with flour; cook 1 minute.  Stir in broth, wine and 1 cup water.  Simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes.


3. Heat broiler.  Spread bread slices on a baking sheet; toast under broiler for 1 to 2 minutes per side; set aside. Place in ovenproof bowls or crocks on a baking sheet.  Divide soup evenly among bowls (about a cup in each).

4. Use a vegetable peeler or cheese plane to thinly slice pieces of cheese.  Place slice of toast on each serving of soup, top with cheese (divide evenly among bowls).  Heat under broiler for 3 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly. Carefully remove from oven and serve warm.

PER SERVING:    370 CAL;  16g FAT (9g SAT); 40g CARBS; 5g FIBER; 590g SODIUM

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