Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Things I'm Thankful For:

My Family!
Brad, the man I love!
My wonderful friends- for sticking with me through thick and thin
Rainy weather...because sometimes it's nice to be cozy inside while it's storming outside
The way my mom cooks- SO GOOD!
My job
Being physically able to volunteer at the Fire Station
Having 2 dogs, 2 cats and a horse- I love those guys! :)
Spending time with my brother; making complete fools out of ourselves :) hehe
The roof over my head and clothes on my back
MY CAR! :)
Church in the garage... Riverwood Baptist Church
Early snowfall this year
Pumpkin pie
Apple Cider (or caramel apple cider...yum!)
Burning orange peels in the wood stove
Making crafts with my mom for the Holidays
Cooking homemade cranberry sauce
I'm going to be another year older! lol
My health
My family's health!
Sipping Earl Grey tea
Meeting new people
Making new friends, and they turn out to be the coolest people ever
The things that Brad thinks of to randomly buy me... just because he can
Hunting! (And actually getting a deer and elk this year)
Pizza nights (Junk food nights, oops! I know )
A man that takes care of me- ALWAYS!
And a FAMILY that does the same!!!
Facebook- I totally know now who the "real" friends of my life are and who I really want to be seen with lol

Most importantly- JESUS. Without Him, I would be a nobody, nothing, zip, nada, nilch.  I am so very thankful for all of the wonderful people that He has brought into my life and because of Him my life will never be the same!
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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