"The true trophy hunter is a self-disciplined perfectionist seeking a single animal, the ancient patriarch well past his prime that is often an outcast from his own kind... If successful, he will enshrine the trophy in a place of honor. This is a more noble and fitting end than dying on some lost and lonely ledge where the scavengers will pick his bones, and his magnificent horns will weather away and be lost forever."
Elgin Gates, Trophy Hunter in Asia
Hunter orange, water-proofed hunting boots, worn-in camo, lucky camo hats, shells that catch the sunlight right before jamming them into the rifle for the shot. The scouting out of leaves that have been kicked up by an animal to show where they have last traveled... the musty scent of a bull that gets left behind on ferns and branches. THESE are the special memories that, no matter who they are shared with, never get lost in your heart. These are the times that are so much fun; so rewarding when an animal is packed out of the woods. :)
My orange, camouflage, boots and other gear are waiting and ready for this Saturday! Opening day of elk season is here! It's time to hunt North America's largest big game animal- THE ELK.
Our "secret spot" is all figured out.. and we have been seeing elk there, too! That is obviously important :) My binoculars are cleaned up and ready for glassing and my gun is polished up and bullets are gathered. I can't wait- hopefully I will get one on Opening Morning!
PS. Hunters! Don't forget to make sure that your rifle is sighted in! It's a mistake that you won't want to make... and especially after deer season rattling around in a pickup truck isn't the medicine the doc ordered for it! :)
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