Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pictures of Idaho Elk Hunt *Caution: Blood*

My face is in a perpetual frown as my hunting season is over.  I still can go out with other people during Archery and Late Buck to tag along if I wish, but it just isn't the same.  Although there will be sadness until next time, I did have a great hunting season!  I have alot to be thankful for- and I am VERY thankful!  I shot a buck not that far into rifle season, and my Dad and I went on a trip to Idaho to bring back meat for the Beast Feast and I shot a HUGE elk!  To say the least, I'm stoked! :) 
Note to all deer out there... I'm keeping my trigger finger ready for next hunting season! WOO HOO!

The top picture is of two sets of ivory, one from Maureen's bull, and the other from Samantha's.  Nice job, girls!!!  The second picture is my elk, my brother's is in the background.  :) We had such a fun time and I'm so glad that I was able to be a part of such an awesome adventure!!  BIG THANK YOU to my Dad- hunting with you is always fun!

Samantha's Elk

Maureen's Elk

Dad's elk

Loren's elk is on the left- I'm sitting on mine :) The guides are the other two with us in the picture.

Skinning my elk!

This luggage is ALL ours.  This proves that girls definitely bring way more than they need. hehe

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