Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Things I'm Thankful For:

My Family!
Brad, the man I love!
My wonderful friends- for sticking with me through thick and thin
Rainy weather...because sometimes it's nice to be cozy inside while it's storming outside
The way my mom cooks- SO GOOD!
My job
Being physically able to volunteer at the Fire Station
Having 2 dogs, 2 cats and a horse- I love those guys! :)
Spending time with my brother; making complete fools out of ourselves :) hehe
The roof over my head and clothes on my back
MY CAR! :)
Church in the garage... Riverwood Baptist Church
Early snowfall this year
Pumpkin pie
Apple Cider (or caramel apple cider...yum!)
Burning orange peels in the wood stove
Making crafts with my mom for the Holidays
Cooking homemade cranberry sauce
I'm going to be another year older! lol
My health
My family's health!
Sipping Earl Grey tea
Meeting new people
Making new friends, and they turn out to be the coolest people ever
The things that Brad thinks of to randomly buy me... just because he can
Hunting! (And actually getting a deer and elk this year)
Pizza nights (Junk food nights, oops! I know )
A man that takes care of me- ALWAYS!
And a FAMILY that does the same!!!
Facebook- I totally know now who the "real" friends of my life are and who I really want to be seen with lol

Most importantly- JESUS. Without Him, I would be a nobody, nothing, zip, nada, nilch.  I am so very thankful for all of the wonderful people that He has brought into my life and because of Him my life will never be the same!
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pictures of Idaho Elk Hunt *Caution: Blood*

My face is in a perpetual frown as my hunting season is over.  I still can go out with other people during Archery and Late Buck to tag along if I wish, but it just isn't the same.  Although there will be sadness until next time, I did have a great hunting season!  I have alot to be thankful for- and I am VERY thankful!  I shot a buck not that far into rifle season, and my Dad and I went on a trip to Idaho to bring back meat for the Beast Feast and I shot a HUGE elk!  To say the least, I'm stoked! :) 
Note to all deer out there... I'm keeping my trigger finger ready for next hunting season! WOO HOO!

The top picture is of two sets of ivory, one from Maureen's bull, and the other from Samantha's.  Nice job, girls!!!  The second picture is my elk, my brother's is in the background.  :) We had such a fun time and I'm so glad that I was able to be a part of such an awesome adventure!!  BIG THANK YOU to my Dad- hunting with you is always fun!

Samantha's Elk

Maureen's Elk

Dad's elk

Loren's elk is on the left- I'm sitting on mine :) The guides are the other two with us in the picture.

Skinning my elk!

This luggage is ALL ours.  This proves that girls definitely bring way more than they need. hehe

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Live, Love, Laugh

Ever wonder why this saying is broadcasted everywhere? Signs, household decor, you name it- it's there.  I personally admire anything "country" or "primitive" in house decor, so when I spot a shingle painted with those three magic words- of course I'm going to whip out $6.99 and buy it.  :)
There have been things in my life recently that remind me of this very saying. LIVE.  Regardless of what Webster's Dictionary says, I think that living is feeling -not just good or mediocre- but GREAT about yourself! Taking the bull by the horns, knowing when to stand up for yourself or someone else,  taking risks, appreciating the smaller things in life, taking your dog for a walk, going to the super market for the second time that day just because you are bored, surrounding yourself with family and friends that uplift and support you, eating an extra cookie because you can, going on a random road trip with friends- heck, even just yourself- working a so-so job just because you love it and no other reason, not being afraid to tell others what you are feeling or experiencing and dancing in the rain- hot pink rubber boots and all. 
I love life- and I'm not afraid to LIVE it! God gives me so many blessings in life and I wouldn't want to change a single thing! We are that unique individual because of the trials and tests we go through in life.

LOVE is a powerful word.  Only four letters long, but it packs quite a punch.  Those three wonderful words uttered by a mother to her newborn treasure, a husband to a wife, between best friends- "I love you" can bring tears of joy, love or sorrow.  I have never had issues with telling someone I love them- if I do- I let them know!  Life is shorter than we imagine, so why not? I am not afraid of getting my heart broken or torn to shreds- because I trust that God has brought me to my perfect match in life- someone that I can say that to and not regret it.  I love my family as well!  Through thick and thin- they are here for me!  I can't imagine a life without them! They are accepting and loving- enough said.  ;)

Those of you that know me are aware that I love to LAUGH!  No matter how hard I try, it doesn't ever escape quietly- quite on the contrary. hehe  I think we all know that person that no matter how hard they try, their laughter is always heard decibels above everyone else.  I'm pretty sure I AM that person.  I am one hundred percent, without a doubt, not ashamed of it- not one little bit.  I would much rather keep myself in check every once in a while then be the lump in a corner.  Needles to say, I get funny looks from loved ones time to time to remind me to come back to planet Earth when my laughing gets out of control, but that is what family and friends are for... to keep you in check. ;) No matter how hard you try- if there is someone next to you laughing your ears automatically perk up to hear the joke or sentiment.  Your brain switches over to humor mode and all of a sudden- bam!- Everything is funny and you are dishing out your best jokes like Muhammad Ali striking a punch.  Humor is contagious.  It is the funny equivalent of yawning copy-cats.  Come on, does everyone really need to yawn at the same time?  Most likely not, yet something in your noggin' is triggered and it just comes out!

I'll take my silly, child-like attitude any day.  I'll live like there is no tomorrow, and I'll love with my WHOLE heart.  It is what makes up the intricate blue print for my life- and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Peace Out!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bull Bustin' Babes! (And Boy)

Our journey begins without flat tires or cracked windshields THANK GOODNESS... instead... we ended up running out of gas at "Exit 21"- wherever that is.  :)  With card games and laughter going on in the back of the truck I decided to hike up the hill to photograph some horses.  We finally were bailed out with five gallons of gas priced at a steep 125 buckaroos.  On the road again we come to our destination.  Rexburg, Idaho!  WE ARE HERE! Finally- pretty much everyone sighs- after a gruelling two days of travel.

I decided to include the girls and my brother in describing our adventures for this trip.. hope you enjoy our story as much as we enjoyed the whole shebang.  :)

Our first shooter was Samantha.  She shot once- right behind the ear and the bull went down without a fight.  "It had weird feet." Maureen states.... with lots of laughter and a crinkle of a nose.  It was different- in fact the ranch manager stated that he has only seen a couple of bulls with super long hooves.
"This was one of the best days of my life..." Samantha says with a big smile.
Maureen shot next- "I got to shoot an old, big, fuzzy-horned elk.  The first time I shot, it went off before I thought it would... so I shot it again, even though I made a good shot the first time, surprisingly." With a grin she also adds, "It's the coolest elk of them all- because I said so- and it's antlers are furry."

I was up for the next shot and I brought my bull down with one shot right under the cheek bone.  (It was sort of looking in my direction)  With all of the big game animals that I have shot- I haven't tried shooting one like I did today, so I was pretty excited about the challenge.  The shot broke the bulls neck and it went down instantly.

My brother was next and he also made a great shot!  Dad followed; one shot to the neck and it dropped like a lead weight.  Five for five! :)

Maureen and Samantha were the brave souls to skin and gut their elk by themselves.  (With the help of the male counter parts) "No one told me that I was going to be attacked by a bunch of green stuff... but my cat-like reflexes spared me and my jeans!" There was lots of laughter and giggling with every step of the way during the skinning/gutting process... and there was never a dull moment!  Maureen did an awesome job at getting in and getting dirty- fearless and more than willing to learn how to gut and skin.  When it was time to cut the head off- out came the Sawzall and off came the head!

"Stomach fluids don't taste very good." Is interjected by Samantha- who was second to gut her elk.  She jumped right in like a cave woman and was covered in blood and gut juice by the time it was all over.  The other elk were skinned and gutted- then hung up like the others- all ready to be quartered and packed into the trailer for the trip home.

Samantha's Nice Bull
Maureen's Bull still had velvet!

Loren and I... :)

Dad's bull!!

I feel so blessed to be a part of this hunting adventure! I believe that I can speak for everyone when I say that we all had the time of our lives!! God new is, the trip isn't over yet!  We are leaving tomorrow for Jackson Hole, Wyoming!  We are going to be having even more fun in this great town. :) 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Elk Season!

"The true trophy hunter is a self-disciplined perfectionist seeking a single animal, the ancient patriarch well past his prime that is often an outcast from his own kind... If successful, he will enshrine the trophy in a place of honor. This is a more noble and fitting end than dying on some lost and lonely ledge where the scavengers will pick his bones, and his magnificent horns will weather away and be lost forever."
Elgin Gates, Trophy Hunter in Asia


Hunter orange, water-proofed hunting boots, worn-in camo, lucky camo hats, shells that catch the sunlight right before jamming them into the rifle for the shot.  The scouting out of leaves that have been kicked up by an animal to show where they have last traveled... the musty scent of a bull that gets left behind on ferns and branches.  THESE are the special memories that, no matter who they are shared with, never get lost in your heart.  These are the times that are so much fun; so rewarding when an animal is packed out of the woods. :)
My orange, camouflage, boots and other gear are waiting and ready for this Saturday! Opening day of elk season is here!  It's time to hunt North America's largest big game animal- THE ELK.
Our "secret spot" is all figured out.. and we have been seeing elk there, too!  That is obviously important :) My binoculars are cleaned up and ready for glassing and my gun is polished up and bullets are gathered.  I can't wait- hopefully I will get one on Opening Morning!

PS.  Hunters! Don't forget to make sure that your rifle is sighted in! It's a mistake that you won't want to make... and especially after deer season rattling around in a pickup truck isn't the medicine the doc ordered for it! :)