Thursday, January 3, 2013

Italian Breadcrumb Crusted Cod

Fish. Hmmm.  What to do with it?? I am always lost- and generally revert back to the recipe that my mom would always do with Salmon or fresh Steelhead that we caught from the river by my Parent's house as kids. She would "dab" (Her favorite cooking term) a little butter on the fish and sprinkle it with brown sugar and salt and pepper. SO GOOD. But sometimes you want something more, you know?!

Sooooo.... the creative side of me combined my own thoughts with something that my Mom said would be good. Here goes! My husband and I loved it, so you should, too! hehe


1/2 cup Italian breadcrumbs
1 Tablespoon mayo
Salt and pepper to taste
2 Tablespoons butter
1 fillet of Cod (or fish of your choice)

Start by spreading the fish- on the top side- with mayo. Cut the butter into thin sliced cubes and place randomly on top of the fish.
After sprinkling with the breadcrumbs, place onto tinfoil.
Place another sheet of tin foil on top of the fish and roll up the sides to make a little "packet".  Place on a baking sheet a bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.
Remove the fish and peel back the top tin foil layer and bake for 5-8 more minutes at 500 degrees until the top is crispy and the fish is done.
For a quick and easy tartar sauce, mix a couple of spoon-fulls of mayo with salt and pepper and sweet relish. Add some dill if desired.
Savor your new created dish! This recipe makes for really moist, flavorful fish!

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