Tuesday, February 7, 2012

White Pass 2012 Experience

How are ya'll doing with the exercise??  I am sore! I had no idea how out of shape I was... until this last weekend! I did a couple day's worth of workouts- and was feeling it in my abs and legs.  (Which is good!! Those are the problem areas!) Then came Saturday... ba, da, da (Theme music) I accompanied my boyfriend to White Pass! I have never been skiing before, and so I thought it would be a BLAST of a trip.  Boy, turns out it was a CRAZY fun/scary trip! I have never known the definition of fear until that day.  Thank goodness Brad used to be an instructor (Firefighter, ski instructor, electrician... boy- this guy is sure hot *wink & a smile*) and he was able to teach me the basics so that I would not plummet to my death over the cliff and ravines.
We started the day off with Belgian waffles, strawberries and whipped cream (oops! Sorry, diet...) and we loaded up everything we would need for the Mountain and off we went!   My nerves got the best of me when we pulled into the parking lot of the ski rental place, and I thought I was going to pee my pants or something to that effect.  Once we actually made it to the ski lodge, I was A-OK, and excitedly put on my ski boots.  (I fondly refer to them as moon-walking-foot-contraptions) Even just walking in the boots was such a strange ordeal... but we made it up to the little kid's slope.  ( I don't really know what it's called, I just know that they have a 'magic carpet' thing for little kids that was AWESOME! hehe)  My loving boyfriend spent the better part of a couple of hours showing me how to "snow plow"  so I wouldn't get going too fast and tried his hardest to show me how to turn.  All while he is going BACKWARDS down the hill, I might add.  Sheesh.  So after quite a few attempts at turning while going down the teeny, tiny hill (Still scary... don't judge) and crashing and burning even that much more, I finally figured out how to turn!! Brad kept telling me to move my ski, or move my body more towards the hill... and I'm thinking, "You want me to do what?!" But once it clicked, I was golden!  We decided to get our lift tickets and head up to the top.

Wait.... the top?

Uh, oh! I was thinking I would be riding the magic carpet the whole day.  Gulp! Well we get on the lift and we get whisked off... much to my surprise- we are WAY up there! It was so beautiful! At the end of our 5-8 minute ski lift ride we are supposed to jump off the lift.  Gaaa! But I did it! Brad even said that most people their first time will biff it and wipe everyone out- thank goodness that didn't happen! ;)

I made it!

Wait- no I haven't! Now I have to go down the mountain! The top part of the hill was the steepest part of the run that we went down and right out of the gate I smashed my face in on the snow.  That hurt.  But I got up and.... BOOF! Bit it again.   haha  That moment kept repeating itself quite a few more times, each time I would get 20 more feet down the mountain and I would freak out, thinking I was going too fast, and I would wipe out.  Bummer... It was getting harder and harder to pick myself up with the skis on because I was tiring so quickly from all the snow plowing, so by now I would just take one off and stand up to put it back on.  Brad and a friend's dad went on their merry way down the mountain and my friend stayed behind to watch out for me.  lol   I'm so glad that she was there! If I got going too fast she could see the panic in my face and would tell me "Cut up the hill!!" And it would snap me out of my terror. 
I can't explain what it was, but for some reason I lost all sense of control with my fear.  It was a humbling experience! Especially when a four year old little kid came tearing by me when I was flat on my back screaming, "Sucker!"  Darn you, little kid!! Brad was the best boyfriend ever to keep pulling me back up when I was flat on my keester, to keep encouraging me when I was so petrified, and to go literally 2 miles an hour down the mountain with me.  He never forced me to do anything too fast or beyond what I could do- I'm such a lucky girl to have him as a boyfriend and now ski instructor. I love you, honey!
So, with my twisted and hurt neck 2012 (Rainman moment), jammed toe and bruised butt, it may seem that I didn't have any fun.  WRONG.  I had possibly the time of my life out there, getting beat up and giving my heart a work out! I really do want to try it again, and this time I will have more experience under my belt :) 
So here's to next time...

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