Saturday, February 18, 2012

Turkey Tortilla Soup

This soup turned out really good! I used the meat left over from the fajitas which you can find posted under "Irresistible Turkey Fajitas". :) Yum!

What you will need:
1 can fire roasted, diced tomatoes
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 onion, diced
2 cups (or to taste) frozen kernel corn (freezer section at the grocery store in a little bag)
1 can red kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 can black-eyed beans
Seasonings to taste: Garlic salt, salt, red pepper and chili powder (Or use a pre-made taco seasoning packet)

This is what you do:
In a large soup pot bring to a slow boil enough water to make as much soup as you want.  (I used 15ish cups of water)
Add can of tomatoes, diced onion and green bell pepper to boiling water.
Cook until onions and pepper is tender... then add the corn.  Bring back to a boil.
Add your meat (Use the taco meat from the "Irresistible Turkey Fajitas") beans and seasonings.
Cook down for 5 to 10 minutes and turn down to a low simmer.
Optional:  I added cream to mine to make it a creamier, richer soup, but this is totally optional for those that are trying to watch their fat intake.

While your soup is slowly simmering, fry up some corn (or you can use flour) tortillas and cut into thin strips. Use as a garnish... top with shredded cheddar cheese and a dollop of sour cream.

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