Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Update ;)

Whew!  This last weekend was a real whirlwind!  It wasn't overly busy, but it just seemed that it flew right on past!  On Friday some classmates of my brother came over and worked out some of the games that they are planning for an event; I believe they dubbed it 'The ALMOST Amazing Race' or something to that effect.  Brows furrowed and pencils scratched as ideas took flight and became plans.  Except for the tomahawk throwing and gasoline bombs... the parents stepped in for the veto of that one.  Some of the parents came over and visited while their children were inflicting pain in the form of an air soft war hehe.   Once the sun went over the hills, (and at only eight o'clock...thanks alot, Mother Nature) we played a game of 'find-the-kid-in-the-bushes-or-some-dark-spot' and my brother's friends were nice enough to let me join.  Running barefoot over rocks, pine cones, pine needles, grass, dirt, the occasional slug, (and who knows what else.. yikes!) we finally called it quits after everyone had bruised feet and blackberry scratches.  It was such a blessing to run like a wild child and be like a little kid again.  ;)
My boyfriend, brother and I went and got hay for my horsey yesterday afternoon.  It was quite comical to see the huge 500+ pound round bale getting ready to pitch over the side of his truck at every curve of the road or pothole that we (I think purposely) hit ;)  I love my man... he puts up with so may of my "pets"... playing fetch endlessly with a 90 pound bear of a dog, bucking bales of hay and even going so far as to play with the feather and little bell on a stick with the kittie (not so manly hehe) thank you honey!! ;) My little guy is much happier having a bale inside now... no more battles with the rain!

My Caesar boy and I on a sunny day (he wasn't shed out then...yuck! lol)

I love my little man!

Vera girl :) She is my kitty that we rescued.

And this is "Little", as we like to call her.  Vera's baby... technically her name is Harley :)

Toby is a rescue as well, he is just over a year old and such a handsome man! Don't you think? 

This morning before work I ran into Wal Mart (insert cheesy musical theme song here... da da daaaa) to get some things for tonight's dinner.  My boyfriend's mom gave me a recipe for soup just like the kind they have at Olive Garden.  It's my boyfriend's favorite- so I'm going to surprise him with dinner and a homemade pumpkin pie for dessert!! Homemade whipped cream... vanilla ice cream... oh boy! Better start P90X up before to long- my hips like battleships, or like a step-side Chevy truck are going to be back!! hehee  I also picked up some little pumpkins (I'm going to attempt different stuff for canning this year) and tomatoes, onions, cilantro, etc. for homemade salsa to can as well!! :0 yum!

This morning I was channel surfing on the radio (the MOST annoying thing ever unless you are the one doing it, of course), and I tuned into 105.3, K-Love.   I have the habit of listening to something and changing it as soon as mindless talk comes on, but this morning it held me captive.  Voice after voice told their story of how God had blessed them this past year, month, week and how their love for God is stronger than ever before.  Tears welled up and threatened to spill over at the stories flowing out of my speakers. 
Yesterday in church my dad did a special service where we sang and took prayer requests as usual, but then he let his congregation, one by one, get up and speak of how God had blessed them this last week.  That was the sermon; no fancy frills, no finger pointing in your face.  Plain and simple, just the way I believe it was meant to be that day.  Stories of new jobs, a life preserved in a terrible accident, babies born, witnessing opportunities- story after story just lifted my heart right up out of my chest.  So this morning when I heard all of the wonderful things on 105.3 it was so amazing to hear testimonies of God's works in other people.  He is REAL... someone that people take for granted more often than not.  Someone that I even take for granted. 
When the songs this morning on the radio started playing it kicked me right in the shin, spit on my neck and punched me in the gut.  What an idiot I am to not witness more!  How foolish of me to hide what I believe!  It is hard to get up out of your cozy comfort zone and pass out a tract, or tell others about the wonderful news of Jesus- I know!  I've been there, done that.  My goal is to shine with His Light and reach people, not just with words, but actions as well.  Hold me to it- I don't want to be the one to pass up an opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ!  It grieves me to think of how many people will die and never know my Father, to never know what it would be like to have Jesus holding and comforting you. 
This is a song by Leeland I listened to this morning... hopefully it will inspire you, the same way it did for me!

You lived among the least of these
The weary and the weak
And it would be a tragedy for me to turn away.

All my needs you have supplied.
When I was dead you gave me life.
How could I not give it away so freely?

And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World.

Use my hands, use my feet
To make your kingdom come
Through the corners of the earth
Until your work is done
'Cause Faith without works is dead
And on the cross your blood was she'd
So how could I not give it away so freely?

And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World

I give all myself.
I give all myself
I give all myself... to you.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the post as always. Been I hectic week. Lots of friends going through hard times right now and weighing on my heart. This post helped me have a little more hope. Very personal issues going on so I will just ask for a broad prayer request for "Jess's Friends" Hope we can get together soon! The dang rain is making the horses all mucky and the Roans seem to be changing color daily. I still hope to have you come out for a day =)
