Saturday, September 17, 2011


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you are about to embark on an adventure?  PROCRASTINATION.  There it is, I said it.  No one wants to admit it, but the majority of us procrastinate way to much when it comes to planning ahead for events.  Just about every year Summer comes along, and, no surprise here... so does Fall.  There is always a mad rush to buy tags and make sure that your hunting gear is all in tact and skinning knives are located.  Finally OPENING MORNING comes along and excitedly you jump in the truck and bomb down the road to pick up your other hunting partners.  All of a sudden a sick feeling comes along- OH NO! My binoculars!  I left them at home, along with my bullets!! Grrrrr.... Every year it is always the same routine... so why can't I get it right?! 

Along with the rain and shedding of leaves, hunting season is finally here!!!  I can not even believe it, but soon I will hopefully be holding a monstrous rack for a photograph and my fellow friends and family will be enjoying delicious steaks on the BBQ. :)  IF everything goes as planned, of course.

Procrastination is the devil... it sneaks up on us every time, no warnings, no remorse.  But not this year, no not this year one bit.  I woke up this morning to the sound of rain.  Not just any rain, but the kind that only Washington State sees. (pretty much all year round)  The kind that makes me dread fixing my hair at all in the morning for fear that it will just *poof* suddenly blow up with frizz and look so terrible that people won't even want to tip at the coffee stand. hehe.... My eyes flew open and I looked at the clock- 7:16 AM... ugh... I'm not a morning person! (Except for getting up for hunting, of course) ;)  But one thing is different this year.  I can't explain it, but instead of rolling my eyes at rain drops falling on my head, I am practically jumping for joy!  It hit me that Autumn is here!!! Long gone are my thoughts of laying out and getting a deep butter-nut tan; instead my thoughts are filled with stalking Mr. Bambi.  Yessiree... little deer you better watch out!  I am coming for you, and this time I haven't PROCRASTINATED one bit.  Not even a little.  All of my camo is folded neatly and washed (but not smelling like Tropical Rain lol), my binoculars are located and tags are bought.  My gun is cleaned and sighted in, boots are water-proofed, hunter orange is dragged out of the closet and all of my skinning knives are sharpened, thank you very much.  With a little victory dance I am finally ready to take on hunting season...

Bambi, I'm coming for you!

Me with the biggest buck you've seen, right? haha I shot this by myself and a friend was driving by and helped me load it into my mom's Lexus... yep.. her car! haha Skinned and gutted it by myself, too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Aaaah so glad to inspire =) Awesome start, keep up the good work! You made me want to get all my stuff ready too I cannot wait for opening day! Last year I was a bit of a slacker and payed for it emptied handed at the end of late buck. Check out Leana's You will be amazed at her wonderful transformation in her faith and relationship with God.
