Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our Engagement Picture Sneak Peek!!

So it is about high time I posted SOMETHING. Sheesh.  I don't even know where the time goes... it just zips right on by and I'm always left in the dust brushing myself off.

To say the least we (or maybe just me.. if Brad didn't have a good time he didn't show it-bless his heart) had a blast getting our engagement pictures taken last weekend! My friend Danielle Shulke is going to be our photographer for the wedding and she is a master mind behind her lens! We had a blast going to the Fire Station where Brad is a career Firefighter and I'm a volunteer, the train tracks, a field with a HUGE oak tree and another Station where we have an old parade fire truck parked there.  We took some funny ones- and I'll give you a sneak peek of my favorites!!

And our take on American Gothic.. hehehe

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