Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting Started: Week 1

Getting started is the biggest and often the hardest step that you can ever take. My goal is to make this experience as fun and entertaining as possible to keep you (and I!!) motivated!

Let's start with the following:

Weight                >  All of these are mentioned in the previous post.

To get started you will also need...
  • 3-5 pound weights.  I have both three and five pound weights that I am going to start with to switch between.  If you feel that you need heavier weight to start out with, go with 5 and 8 pound weights. 
  • Yoga mat, if desired, to lay on
  • Chair, just the handy dining room table one will do :)
Workout #1:  Fix that bra bulge!!! Bent over rows.
Stand next to a chair with your chosen weight in your right hand.  I started out with the five pound weight, but if it is too heavy for you, drop down to the three pound weight.  Place your left knee and hand on the chair; extend right hand to the floor.  Bend elbow out to the side, slowly bringing the weight up to your chest. 
Do 2 sets of 15 reps; alternating sides between sets.

Workout #2: Stop Flabby Inner-Outer thighs!  4-Way Lunge.
Place your hands on your hips and step forward with the right foot and lunge.  Be careful not to let your knee go past your toes. Return to standing position.  Lunge backwards with the same foot.  Return to standing position.  Lunge to the right, returning to standing position.  Lunge to the left; return to standing position. 
Repeat for the other side; 2 sets of 15 reps for each leg. 

Workout #3: Ban Underarm Flab.  Chair Dips!
Grab your handy-dandy chair and let's get to work! Place hands on the edge of the seat.  Walk feet slowly out, until they are a little further than a 90 degree angle.  Slowly lower your rear to the floor, bending your elbows to no more than a 90 degree angle.  Press back up to the starting position. 
Repeat for 15 reps.

So cute... I just couldn't resist!! :) This proves that if a baby can do it- so can you! hehe Totally kidding... :)

What to do for that armpit overhang?!  This is Workout #4.  Push Ups.
I think it helps a whole lot to think of doing push ups in the sand with crashing waves in the background, but let's get real.  I don't have that in my back yard.... and I don't know about you, but I think I would rather lay around and get a tan if that was my scenery instead of working hard to get the body I've always wanted! :)
So... wither you do regular "man" push ups, or if you need to drop to your knees for the "woman" kind- whip out as many of these bad boys as you can handle.  Important! Make sure you keep your rear flat and your abs tight and pulled in.  Don't hunch up or stick your rear in the air! It's very important to have good posture.

Workout #5: Belly-pooch fix. Planks.
For this exercise you will get into the raised push up position, except with your forearms on the floor. Hold this pose with your back flat and belly tucked in for 30 to 90 seconds.  For extra definition, try the bicycle! Lie on the floor, knees bent, hands behind your head.  Lift shoulder blades off the ground and twist right elbow to left knee; repeat for the other side. 
Complete 2 sets of 15 reps for regular plank and for bicycle if you choose to add it.

Try your hardest to incorporate this routine into your week. Choose three days and stick to it! You can do it- don't give up! Complete this routine for this week.  I am going with Monday, Wednesday and Friday... I'll check in with ya'll at the end of this week to see how you are doing! Stay tuned for healthy, yummy recipes and lots more!!  :)

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