Tuesday, January 31, 2012


That time of year is here again... and most likely will be here for another visit- that's just what Washington does :) I have to admit that I'm a little more than tired of the rain, snow, rain, sunshine, rain, frost, chance of snow, and rain again.  (hehe) But I know that summer will be here soon, and with that comes everything wonderful..... aka - boat rides, campfires, tents, looking at the stars, park visits, longer dog walks and much more!
Here's what I've been up to....

We officially got 2 feet of snow within a couple of days!!

The snow was even too deep for Kita!

Caesar loved the snow!


My pretty girl Kita

Pearl was too cold so she had to get a coat ride from Loren :)

"Please play with me!"

And of course we always have to get out the 4-wheelers.... lots of snow went flying this day!


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