Tuesday, December 20, 2011

..::Williams Family Photo Session::..

I first met Miss Williams at our local cell phone store.   We started talking about things we are interested in and sometime during our conversation (which I'm sure was long-winded, sorry Brad) photography came up.  I have been dabbling in it for some time now and five or six years back I finally broke down and bought myself a "real" camera.  Having said that, I do sometimes miss the occasional "Facebook photo" self- portrait option that smaller cameras can offer, but I wouldn't trade my camera for anything.  Through my lens I see everything differently- more wonder and mystery, more action and adventure.
The date was set for their photo shoot and everyone was excited! I love taking pictures of little kids- something about their zest for life is so invigorating! Washington is known for it's perpetual bad weather; "What was your summer like?" I often get asked.  Rainy.  "Did you get alot of snow this winter?" No, just rain.  So naturally I was nervous to have their shoot during what was supposed to be a terrible, stormy day.
Miraculously, the clouds cleared out, the sun shone, and we had ourselves a PERFECT day for shooting pictures! 
Meet the Williams family- mother, daughter and granddaughter!

Isn't she the cutest?!

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