Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 2- What You Wore Today

I'm not normally the "fashonista" that I wish I was, but I still love dressing up nice now and then.  Dragging myself out of bed at 4:30 in the morning to go to work and greeting the dawn makes it really hard to have motivation for fashon.  Usually my mornings consist of throwing on whatever's clean and making a dash for the car and putting on makeup at the coffee stand.  (Insert sheepish grin here)
Nonetheless, I do love beautiful clothing, and have an appreciation for it. If I wanted to break the bank I would indulge in such a wardrobe.  Instead- I shoot straight for the clearance rack and shuffle through the picked-over selecions.  Nothing wrong with that I don't wager. :)
Since the weather has warmed a couple of notes, I decided to wear a dress today... with a sweater of course!

Dress: Rue21
Sweater:  Holister
Necklace and boho bracelet: Can't remember... (hehe)
Shoes:  Flats; Charlotte Russe

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