Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 1- Self-portrait


So this photography challenge has proved itself ten fold.  haha. So far I have missed day one- and technically should be on day two already.  Go figure.  I can never stick to anything for very long, but goodness! I haven't even made one day yet.  :)

I would have to say that I believe a "self-portrait" should have information about "one-self" to go along with it.  So here we go...

I was born and raised in a small town in Western Washington.
Where it rains- all the time.
And when it's not raining... it's cold. Most of the time.
I love animals- ALL animals.  Especially baby ones. (Who doesn't?!)
I LOVE hunting (If you have been following, then I'm sure you found that out)
Family means more than anything to me
God is my #1 Guide, Friend, Councelor, Lord and King!
I accepted the Lord into my heart and recieved Salvation at 10 years old
I joined my local Fire Department three years ago and I am now a certified Firefighter
Art, reading and crafting are just a few of my favorite things to do. 
I am scared of the dark. Yes, I am. And yes, I realize that I'm 23. :)
I had a stuffed-animal monkey that I named "Monkey" and I carried him EVERYWHERE
I usually bite off more than I can handle, and end up paying for it with my sanity in the end :)
Someday I would love to travel- particularly to Europe and Egypt
My Dad's side of the family came from Austria
A couple of years ago I conqured my fear of rollercoasters! YES!
As much as I love to talk and be sociable, most of the time it is because I am nervous.
And when I'm nervous, I laugh.  Alot.
Tomatoes and onions are never on my nice list. 
Beets, coffee cake, stroganoff and Italian ice, is.

With more pictures and information to come, I hope you enjoy this 30 day journey of my photographic adventures!!

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