Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Cheer

"Have a holly, jolly Christmas... It's the best time of the year!!" is being blasted all over the radio and television these days.  Kids sit on Santa's lap and let him know what they wish for deep down in their little hearts, Mom's are going shopping crazy; sale racks being flipped through, carts careening wildly down grocery isles and screaming toddlers strapped into carts are a "Holiday usual".  Dad's are somewhere "busy at work", aka just trying to get away from this madness!! Christmas in America (and I'm sure other parts of the world) has become something else.  An event, more like it, where everything is about "Oh, my gosh! I don't have ANY gifts wrapped!"  or "Gaa! They are out of WHAT?!" instead of what it really should be about.  Christmas is my favorite holiday- I love the spices, the lights, just the romance of it all.  It is almost like Disneyland... it's simply magical!
The other flip-side to this equation is not full of roses and sunshine. 
Recently, my cousin had a terrible four-wheeler accident and was flown to Harborview Medical Center.  Brad and I made the treck up to Seattle to see him and talk with my Aunt and Uncle about how he was doing.  With all of the stress of driving through traffic and finding a place to park (sheesh- I don't know how people can do it!) I was so shocked at what we saw.  Everywhere- and I do mean everywhere- you looked there were tents, sleeping bags, tarps or other shelter contraptions.  I have always known that there were homeless people around, and a greater number in Seattle, but I was so saddened to see that many people out on the street.  I thought of these people today when getting everything "ready" for Christmas.  What will they be doing to "celebrate"? Better yet- would they even have a decent meal? I cannot be sure.  I bet those folks are not worried about "My gifts aren't what I wanted!" or "Yuck! I hate that sweater that Grandma got me!"
Every year around this time more and more people get depressed and stressed out. Financial difficulty,  family hardships, loss of someone close or the fact that they are alone for this holiday plagues so many people around the world. Suicide rates climb higher, and more and more calls that we go on with the Fire Department are because of that.  It gets to the point  that you think you can no longer go on, or bear the burden that you are carrying all on your own. 
I am here to tell you- you are NOT alone! Jesus is there to pull us out of the mire, HE is able to SAVE us from the world and ourselves.  The best thing we can do this Christmas to help the homeless or those that are hurting is to share the Ultimate Gift.  The only way someone can truly have HOPE is to trust in Him!  Jesus will make a difference in you life- just give him the opportunity to do it!  Just imagine- you can have hope again! YOU can be taken care of, loved and provided for.  He knows the very number of hairs on our head, so why would he not love us?  He gave himself for us- dying to save the lost, sinner, homeless, rich, poor, needy, you name it- He shed his precious blood for you and I.  I received Christ when I was 10 years old- I now have that hope.  The pure, wonderful hope, that someday I will go to Heaven and be received as a child of God. 
Don't let the worry of life bring you down this Christmas!  Receive the joy He has to offer!

"Jesus is the reason for the Season!"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

..::Williams Family Photo Session::..

I first met Miss Williams at our local cell phone store.   We started talking about things we are interested in and sometime during our conversation (which I'm sure was long-winded, sorry Brad) photography came up.  I have been dabbling in it for some time now and five or six years back I finally broke down and bought myself a "real" camera.  Having said that, I do sometimes miss the occasional "Facebook photo" self- portrait option that smaller cameras can offer, but I wouldn't trade my camera for anything.  Through my lens I see everything differently- more wonder and mystery, more action and adventure.
The date was set for their photo shoot and everyone was excited! I love taking pictures of little kids- something about their zest for life is so invigorating! Washington is known for it's perpetual bad weather; "What was your summer like?" I often get asked.  Rainy.  "Did you get alot of snow this winter?" No, just rain.  So naturally I was nervous to have their shoot during what was supposed to be a terrible, stormy day.
Miraculously, the clouds cleared out, the sun shone, and we had ourselves a PERFECT day for shooting pictures! 
Meet the Williams family- mother, daughter and granddaughter!

Isn't she the cutest?!

Day 2- What You Wore Today

I'm not normally the "fashonista" that I wish I was, but I still love dressing up nice now and then.  Dragging myself out of bed at 4:30 in the morning to go to work and greeting the dawn makes it really hard to have motivation for fashon.  Usually my mornings consist of throwing on whatever's clean and making a dash for the car and putting on makeup at the coffee stand.  (Insert sheepish grin here)
Nonetheless, I do love beautiful clothing, and have an appreciation for it. If I wanted to break the bank I would indulge in such a wardrobe.  Instead- I shoot straight for the clearance rack and shuffle through the picked-over selecions.  Nothing wrong with that I don't wager. :)
Since the weather has warmed a couple of notes, I decided to wear a dress today... with a sweater of course!

Dress: Rue21
Sweater:  Holister
Necklace and boho bracelet: Can't remember... (hehe)
Shoes:  Flats; Charlotte Russe

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 1- Self-portrait


So this photography challenge has proved itself ten fold.  haha. So far I have missed day one- and technically should be on day two already.  Go figure.  I can never stick to anything for very long, but goodness! I haven't even made one day yet.  :)

I would have to say that I believe a "self-portrait" should have information about "one-self" to go along with it.  So here we go...

I was born and raised in a small town in Western Washington.
Where it rains- all the time.
And when it's not raining... it's cold. Most of the time.
I love animals- ALL animals.  Especially baby ones. (Who doesn't?!)
I LOVE hunting (If you have been following, then I'm sure you found that out)
Family means more than anything to me
God is my #1 Guide, Friend, Councelor, Lord and King!
I accepted the Lord into my heart and recieved Salvation at 10 years old
I joined my local Fire Department three years ago and I am now a certified Firefighter
Art, reading and crafting are just a few of my favorite things to do. 
I am scared of the dark. Yes, I am. And yes, I realize that I'm 23. :)
I had a stuffed-animal monkey that I named "Monkey" and I carried him EVERYWHERE
I usually bite off more than I can handle, and end up paying for it with my sanity in the end :)
Someday I would love to travel- particularly to Europe and Egypt
My Dad's side of the family came from Austria
A couple of years ago I conqured my fear of rollercoasters! YES!
As much as I love to talk and be sociable, most of the time it is because I am nervous.
And when I'm nervous, I laugh.  Alot.
Tomatoes and onions are never on my nice list. 
Beets, coffee cake, stroganoff and Italian ice, is.

With more pictures and information to come, I hope you enjoy this 30 day journey of my photographic adventures!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge

I have decided to do a 30 day challenge.  But not just any challenge- no, a PHOTOGRAPHY one! I'm actually sort of excited about it- hopefully it will give you fellow bloggers some more insight into me :)  I love photography and I hope to do more with it someday, but for now I will enjoy the simple things and the world behind my lens.

Photography 30 Day Challenge
1. Self-portrait
2. What you wore today
3. Clouds
4. Something green
5. From a high angle
6. From a low angle
7. Fruit
8. A bad habit
9. Someone you love
10. Childhood memory
11. Something blue
12. Sunset
13. Yourself with 13 things!
14. Eyes
15. Silhouette
16. Long exposure
17. Technology
18. Your shoes
19. Something orange
20. Bokeh
21. Faceless self-portrait
22. Hands
23. Sunflare
24. Animal
25. Something pink
26. Close-up
27. From a distance
28. Flowers
29. Black and white
30. Self-portrait