Monday, August 5, 2013

Multi-tasking Momma!

So this past week I have learned a whole new meaning to the word MULTI-TASK. Lots of tasks...all done at once.  For you moms out there- you know exactly what I mean. Even moms that are fresh into the joys of motherhood.

Now let me tell you the truth. Motherhood is one of the most sleep deprived, stinky, messy, challenging, craziest jobs out there. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking it is a walk in the park. It is every bit of NOT. If you think waking up in the middle of the night by the neighbor's barking dog is bad, try waking up at all hours of the night to feed your baby...who can be fifty times louder than the neighbor's dog... not once, twice or even three times. Sometimes it's ten times it seems!
Try shopping with a cranky little man that loves to beller like a cut cat the minute you step foot in the door.
How about walking in a store and your baby has a blowout and everyone around is giving you the stink-eye... with the question floating in the air, "was that HER or the BABY??"

I recently went to the Oregon Jamboree with my husband and nine week old baby. I don't know who was the bigger hit..Landon in his plaid shirt or the music artists! It was almost 100 degrees outside and in the shade it was still 85! We tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, but it was hard!
Since multi-tasking is my new found friend, it was a cinch. HA! Just kidding...again. It is hard to breast feed when you and your baby are sweating so bad that you have to break the suction from your body to switch sides for nursing. The two "terrible stinkers" we had during some concerts were just a minor bump in the road after we figured out there was a designated chancing station. Best moment ever: when my husband changed a super bad diaper while I could run to the bathroom before I peed my own pants! Talk about a blessing!
Needless to say, we made it through the throngs of people juggling the baby, folding chairs, diaper bag and baby "essentials".
I think our multi-tasking endeavors are getting smoother....

Just to prove it- how's this for multi-tasking!:
This evening once the heat wasn't roasting us like an oven...Landon and I trekked out to the garden to check things out. I say "checked things out" because in my mind I thought there would be no way I could get a whole lot accomplished without Landon sleeping.
So I had Landon in the stroller and he is chillin'. He is surprisingly cool, calm and collected as I'm weeding and thinning out the radishes. I glance over to check him...and I'm almost afraid to look. He is looking right at me! Shoot! There goes his happy place! He gives me a huge grin and coos. Talk about melting your heart! So by this time I turn around singing some song and I'm thinking, "we've got this!".
By the carrot rows he has turned his smile upside down and is starting to cry. I think he has even drummed up some alligator tears! Like any mom would do I rushed over and scooped him up and tried to calm him down. I know he must be hungry, so what do I do? I whip up my shirt and let him nurse while I'm thinning the carrots Cambodian woman style like I'm working in a rice paddy or something. Landon is so happy...he is getting dinner...and I'm thrilled! I've learned a new way to multi-task. Yeah, baby!!

For the record, I LOVE the responsibility of being a mother. I cry sometimes when I get overwhelmed with the love I have for my son. I don't ever want to take for granted the sleepless nights or messy diapers. My little man won't be so little for long, and I'm sure I will want the crazy times back! Landon really is a good baby, and even though we have had a few nights I thought would never end, he is so happy. He is already starting to try and laugh... so I know good times are coming!

Tonight I was able to put Landon to sleep while making dinner with some of the things harvested from our garden! Here is a recipe for my favorite homemade vinaigrette! Hope you enjoy!


Two large hand fulls of Basil leaves, make sure the tough stems are removed.
1/2 cup olive oil
1/8 cup red wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon fresh minced garlic
1 Tablespoon agave nectar
salt and pepper to taste

Blend all in a blender and use to dress a salad or a dip for fresh veggies! Ingredients can always be twisted to your taste! Make it yours!

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