Thursday, January 3, 2013

How To Segment Citrus Fruit

This little trick is something that every housewife should know! It can be sort of time consuming (especially if segmenting multiple citrus fruits), but it is well worth the outcome! Mix with diced pears, peaches and pineapple for a wonderful fruit cocktail.
Start by slicing the top off of one orange. (Or grapefruit)
Cut the peel off of the fruit, top to bottom, to reveal the flesh inside. You should be able to see little "white lines". These are going to be your cutting guidelines.
Cut in between the "white lines"... cutting the fruit pieces out- leaving the "white lines" folded to one side and out of your way as you work.
The finished product! Segmented fruit! I chose to do oranges and grapefruit, but like I stated above, feel free to mix it up to make your own fruit salad!

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