Thursday, January 24, 2013

22 Weeks Along...

So those of you that know me, will know that I am prego... for those of you that don't- well I am now 22 (a couple days shy of 23) weeks pregnant!!

We just had our appointment with the Dr. and had the "anatomy" ultrasound done. For those of you that have been through all of this before.... this is the "BIG" day for some people. :) If the baby cooperates, you get to find out what your little peanut is!

Brad and I went in first (for a private moment before everyone else came in) and found out first that-
He grabbed our family from the waiting room (My parents and brother and his mom joined us) and everyone came in to see the little man. :)

We are so ecstatic that words can't describe how happy we both are! The name that we have picked out so far is (you never know... things could change):
Landon Charles

The middle name is for Brad's Grandpa and My Great Grandpa.

So it looks like we get to decorate in the rustic lodge theme for the baby nursery after all!! :)

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