Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm Back!! With LOTS of news!

So, as many of you know... Brad and I got married August 18th! Our wedding turned out fantastic (even with the DOWNPOUR that came 45 minutes before the ceremony was supposed to start) and I could not have ever dreamed the day could have turned out any better!!

Thank you, Lord!!

We also have some other news....


Yes, it is true, there will be a baby Bozarth coming soon! I am 11 weeks along at the moment and could not be more excited! The Lord has been good to us and my husband (I just love saying that hehe) and I are so estatic to welcome this new addition into our lives. I don't have an "official" due date yet, but according to the doctor I should expect to see our special someone around the end of May.

So... get ready for some really HEALTHY recipes and loads of crafts involving the preparation for baby!!

An update on me:

Weeks along:  11
Feeling/Mood: I have been feeling tired, exhausted and just plain worn out by the end of the day, but there are days in between that I have LOTS of energy! I haven't been throwing up, (fingers crossed) but nausea is my best friend lately. Sometimes I feel like I could just cry for days.  (Strange how Mother Nature plays this game with you)
Weight Gain/ Other Body Changes:  So far I have LOST 13 1/2 pounds! But I have a feeling that it will all come back...
Things We've Bought:  I ordered a car seat cover and a baby "sling" for me to carry the baby close to my body. I have been given some wonderful books and a couple of sleepers and the cutest duck bath towel.  I'm trying to keep the "gender related" buying to a minimum until we find out the sex of the baby.

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