Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3 Step Cake Cookies!

So here it is.

I know you've been waiting...

Simple.  Delish.  LOADED with flavor.

Did I say simple?!

Everyone knows (for the most part, I hope) how to make a cake batter cookie.  Buuuutttttt... in case you are the one that doesn't- this is for you. :)

Get ready folks... tie on an apron ad let's get cookin'!

Pick out your favorite cake mix.  Chocolate was what I was looking for... but as luck would have it I only had a vanilla cake mix.  Open it up and place it into a medium sized bowl.

Melt one stick (1/2 Cup) of butter and place in with the dry cake mix.  Mix it up just a tad until it is sort of clumpy... this is so when you add your egg it won't scramble from the heat of the butter.

Add one egg and mix everything up really good until everything is blended.  I just used a fork and on occasion my hands to ensure I don't over mix it.

I thought I would get creative and add some fun things.....

Take one lemon and one lime and zest them both right into the bowl.  Cut each in half and squeeze in the juice.

Add a 1/2 teaspoon of coconut extract... mix all the juices in!

I also added chocolate chips and cranrasins. Boy- these turned out great! :)

The biggest pet peeve I have with recipes is when they say "This recipe yields 2 dozen cookies", how in the world do they get that?!

So.... I took the liberty of measuring out one heaping spoonful of dough and I counted out how many this REALLY makes. 

(Give or take a few if you like to eat the dough like me... oops)

This recipe yields 27 cookies.  Booyah! hehe

Another option is to add cocoa powder (because I didn't have any chocolate cake mix) and chocolate chips and lots of lime juice.  Roll cookie dough balls in powdered sugar before baking to make a two-toned, crinkle cookie!! 

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