Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I Dream In Vintage....

As plans are taking flight for our wedding, I go onto my handy dandy website help  And for those of you that are Bride's-to-be, this is a MUST have on the "look at" list! I'm not even kidding ya'll one bit! This site has a guest list book/planner that is FANTASTIC and saves you tons of time, a wedding checklist that is so thourough... It also has a running "days-til-our-wedding" calender.

Oh. My. Goodness. OH MY!  We only have 87 days til the wedding! 87 DAYS PEOPLE!

Goodness golly, great leaping jehosephat! I can't even believe what my little eyes are seeing! But... We do have everything under control, so I don't feel panicked at all yet. :) Thank goodness!

My "vision", if you want to call it that, is rustic, vintage, outdoorsy and country wedding.  Here are some of my inspiration pictures!

Write our names on the eggs and use this as a cake topper!

This is definitely my color inspiration for the flowers.. even the same kind if I can find them! The bridesmaids dresses will be "oasis" from David's Bridal (sort of a teal color)

And I am making the boutonniers hand tied like this, only NOT these colors. :)

Brad surprised me with a HUGE treat... He was going to wait until we were pulling into the airport before telling me his surprise for the honeymoon, but being the amazing guy that he is, he figured that I would pack totally different- and would need to put a little more thought into my wardrobe... (What a catch! Seriously- good thinking, honey!) So he told me that we are going to Hawaii!! HAWAII!! I can't wait- I've never been over there! My mom has relatives that live in Kona, and still.... I've never been.  Go figure.  So to say the least I'm super stoked, and Brad was right- I am glad that I know about the surprise.  We will be staying in Maui.... Great.  Now I REALLY can't wait for the wedding!! ;)

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