Dad and I have been hunting together for my whole life!! Thanks for the memories Dad!
I remember when I got my first horse. She was a Quarter horse mare, sooty bay. 15.1 hands high, she was a teacher, friend, my confidante. For as long as I can remember I wanted a horse of my own. A riding partner to forge rivers, cross mountain passes, scale cliffs and brave a desert. Well that was in my mind, at least. ;) We actually did do alot together- we really did forge a river, I dressed up in a medieval costume and other traditional garb for extra credit for school (haha) and I showed her in the local fair. We went on lots of trail rides and I even tried getting her used to guns for hunting. (She was so bomb-proof.. just not in that department lol) I could stand for hours braiding her mane and tail and she would gladly let me. It is sad when good things must come to an end- "Kip" was 26 and arthritis was starting to plague her in her hind end. I had just started a full time job up North, and driving over an hour one way and still working an 8 hour work day was getting to be to much. I couldn't dedicate enough time for riding and she needed a lighter rider for her benefit anyway. I decided to make the decision to give her away to a local family that had a young rider that loved her very much. Part of me wishes that I would have kept in touch with the family to see how she was doing, but the other half was so saddened by the fact that my friend was gone that I didn't even want to bother for fear of getting too emotional about it. I regret it every day that I think about her. She was a jewel, saint, and my "barn mother". Kip took care of me while riding or just dorking around in the stalls. I'm so thankful for her being in my life!
My second horse was found on Craigslist. He was a HUGE fellow, part Quarterhorse and Draft. He was jet black with one white sock and a star. The original owners called him Patches. That just didn't do. We doubed him Cisco. Come to find out it would be "Psycho Cisco". lol He was so strong, and really fun to ride bare-back because of his wide back, but every now and then he would have freak out moments. The poor boyfriend got pitched against the isle wall at the barn when he decided to head but him. That was enough for Brad. I really don't blame him- he puts up with alot from my critters, but when it comes to horses he would rather just ride a quad. And this particular incident really cemented his decision on that one. ;) I loved Cisco, too- and he ended up going to a good home with a man that is used to training "problem" horses. (Although I don't think Cisco was that crazy- you just needed to know what his breaking points were and work through them)
My boyfriend recently bought me a colt to work with. I was so excited the first time we went to look at him! He was so cute with his little lower lip quivering for mommas milk and his fluff of a tail bobbing around. He was only three months old and such a cutie! We brought him home at five months old and he came to have the name Caesar. He is 3/4 Arabian and when he prances around you can sure tell!! I think that he will become pretty leggy- he still has alot of growing left and he is already pretty tall. When we first got him it reminded me of a belt buckle that my Dad bought for me the first year I showed Kip. It was silver with lots of detail and gold rope accents around the perimeter. Right smack-dab in the middle is a foal. I'm pretty sure that started all thoughts of cute ponys and foals :) Every time I look at it, it reminds me of Caesar. I have been working with the baby on lead lines and picking up his feet. He is getting better with new things each day that goes by, and someday I think that my little man will become an awesome riding horse! Caesar's story unfolds with every minute that passes and I can't wait to see who he will become.
It was love at first sight!
I recently started archery hunting in hopes of discovering a new leaf and adventure. I remember when I got my bow- so much excitement! I had not been around it much, so for me it was such a new concept. I met my boyfriend at the archery range, too! I love thinking back on that moment- so many different feelings going on in my head it was hard to think!
My best friend went with me to the range sometimes to shoot (for the most part we were chatty Cathy's). That particular day she was telling me about a call that she went on with the Fire Department (she was a volunteer firefighter at the time) and how she met this guy there. Beth, the medic and Mr. Mystery Guy went out for breakfast after the call. Thoroughly hounding the medic- she got all the info on Mr. Mystery. While Beth is busy telling me everything about him we grab our bows and head into the range to shoot. We are chatting away and two men walk in. Beth does a silent squeal and grabs me by the arm. "Oh, my goodness! THAT is the very guy I was JUST talking about!!!" My heart does it's signature flippy-flop and my toes tingle. Turning my head slowly around I snatch a quick peek before anyone can see. Oh my goodness! He is so tall and good looking! And he is a hunter.. obviously, or else he wouldn't be here... Gaaaa! I felt like a little kid. I must look so ridiculous. Oh, great. Beth calls over- BRAD! Ahhh.... no, no, no! Now he will really see how red my face is! "This is my friend, Maleah." And I honestly don't remember anything else that was said that day. He did offer for us to go outside with him and his friend and I declined totally making up a fib that we had already shot the outside range... grrrr... what an idiot! lol I was so hot feeling- despite the shorts and t-shirt.
The real kicker is that Beth sent Brad a text later on that day saying nonchalantly, "Here is Maleah's number if you want to talk to her". I could have killed her. Secretly I was happy, but I thought- what would I say?! The next day I got a text. It was so polite and gentleman like. He asked if I would mind if he text me- Beth had given him my number. Oh- how happy and awesome! :)
For the next couple of weeks we met up at different events that the archery range was putting on and I invited him to go with my friends and I to the fair. We both knew right away that we wanted to make things "official", so he went and talked with my Dad about dating me.
I love our story not only because it is our story, but one that fits us so perfectly. Not full of fancy frills, not fake.
If it weren't for bowstrings... where would I be at today? I hate to even think!
PS... Asking Brad later about how we first met we got to talking about that first day seeing each other. It cracks me up- he still remembers what I was wearing... white shorts and a red t-shirt. ;) So thank goodness for belt buckles and bowstrings... where would I be without them?!
Longbeach, 2011
With our friends after mudding at their house... hehe
He may not climb mountains for me, but he has definitely gone the extra mile... hehe
I love this!! I never knew the whole Maleah meets Brad story, it's perfect! You never know where that man of your dreams will be the archery range...the gym in our case lol. Back before Ry and I even knew each others names I went to a bonfire with my ex-boyfriend. Just so happens that my ex and Ry had the same "wrestling" buddy and he was there also. I was HEAD OVER HEALS for my boyfriend at the time and paid no attention to anyone else. The weird thing is the vivid image I have ingrained in my head of the mystery guy standing in the kitchen talking to the host's mom. He was like a man among boys it seemed. I had no interest in him what so ever and I cannot explain it but I remember what he was wearing and what he looked like from head to toe! I have no clue what I was wearing or my heart throb bf at the time, just Ry who I didn't even know his name. He made a quick appearance at the fire and was gone before I knew it. Things like that give me chills. How God maps out our lives, it's truly amazing.
oh and BTW you and your friends must be crazy hahaha...Look at that truck!!