So it's here again, Halloween. Every year I want to get all jazzed about it and dress up as something funny, but every year for the last couple of years I end up bagging out. I'm really not that into it, so it would seem. I'm sure I will step on a few toes with this subject, and I'm sorry, but after all- my blog is simply a place that I express myself- regardless of what others think.
This morning at the coffee stand customer after customer came through craning their necks to see what I was wearing. One fellow stated that I was a little "over dressed". Plainly hinting at the fact that I had all of my clothes on. So here I am, probably one of the few that has CLOTHES on- practically a turtle-neck sweater. hehe just kidding about that, but still. What is the constant need for the ladies (if you care to use that term) of America to be scantily clad?? It baffles me to the core- dress like they do, then complain when a creeper tries something sneaky or comments are made.
TRICK: The trick is society making Halloween costumes as raunchy as they can and IT'S OK. I really don't have that big of a beef with the fact that people like to dress up... it's FUN!! Just the fact that it is EXPECTED to be "bad" lol. The way that inappropriate costumes are expected. What if I want to dress as Little Bo Peep? I don't think I would get the "best costume" award. I don't know about you, but I want to be known for good morals, standards and clean fun.
TREAT: The treat is the fact that we have the joy of having "naughty nurses" and "bad cops" surrounding us everywhere. And yes, I'm being sarcastic. hehe American society is training our young men that it is OK to look where eyes shouldn't. It's raising up our young women that it's OK to draw attention to long legs and low bust lines.
So there you have it- my thoughts on Halloween. I love carving pumpkins, lighting candles and a fire, reading murder mysteries and even the occasional horror film- but you won't see me with a band-aid and stethoscope in my nurse outfit to doctor you up. Just sayin'. :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
..::Beast Feast - Coming Feb. 2012::..
Well, it's that time of year again- Beast Feast Time!! In TWO WEEKS four girls get to lower the boom on some elk in Idaho! Rexburg, to be exact. Every year for the men's Beast Feast (a local outreach for men in the community) girls are chosen to shoot buffalo to supply the main meat of choice for the evening event. For past events we have had 20+ different kinds of meats ranging from succulent alligator to (not so wonderful) whale. This year we get the privilege to shoot elk! I've shot elk before- but every time is an exciting time, that's for sure! Their majestic antlers cresting the top of a ridge and as your heart practically beats out of your chest- YOU MAKE THE SHOT. Definitely exciting.
The ranch that supplies the buffalo is down in Oregon; Schreiner Farms. The owner is a friend of my dad and we have a blast down there petting his giraffes, camels... pretty much you name it- he has it!
The same gentleman owns property in Idaho where we will be hunting for elk- below are some pictures of the critters he has at his Oregon ranch.
Sika deer at Schreiner Farms
Many unusual creatures reside in Northern Oregon at the Schreiner Farm :)
A new adventure, a new creature to harvest for meat. The Beast Feast is a huge blessing- to those in attendance, but also for the many men and women that prepare and help before and during the event. This year it will be February 5th- I can't wait! Rifles, meat, hunting trips, etc. will be given away! Don't miss your opportunity to join in on one of the funnest sportsman's events!
One of the buffalo from the Schreiner Farms!
"I'm watching you!!"
Monday, October 24, 2011
Big Pig Bucks! :)
Helping my dad pack out his buck :)
On Saturday Brad and I went way out on logging roads... so beautiful!
The leaves are just about fully changed over to their brilliant colors- along with foggy mornings and freezing nights! At least I have been shivering my socks off! :) Yesterday after church I went hunting with Brad and Loren. We went to a "secret spot", which in fact, probably is a handful of other people's "secret spots". lol I had on my favorite Carhartt vest, dirty jeans from the last deer I skinned (What is the point in putting on clean, nice jeans when you will most likely fall down or get blood and guts on them??) and my polkadot rubber boots. :) I love my boots, despite what everyone else says. Oh, don't forget the hunter orange!
As we walked in to some clear cuts, leaves were water logged to the point where they no longer crunch and sound like egg shells, so we thought that was good. The only problem was the gravel road- more like boulder road. Sheesh... loggers! How are we supposed to hunt with such loud, big rocks?! We walked and walked- finally reaching our destination. Glassing the cuts, we were waiting patiently for that monster pig buck to come out and be stupid enough for us to crack a shot. No such luck. On to the next cut we go.
After a crew is done logging they take out the culverts to leave big, gaping trenches in the earth so the streams can run freely. (Something to the effect of the salmon being able to come upstream- but fat chance of that anyway.. it's only a few inches deep) After climbing down the embankments, then up again- three different times, we come to the farthest landing. This logging seemed like a good one. Loren went to the right to circle up and around while Brad and I took the long way around the bottom. Where the skidders and other machinery went there were HUGE muddy ruts and quite a mess of the landscape. I felt like I was in A Bug's Life movie or something. :) From all the dried and stagnet mud there was a WALL of bugs we ran smack dab into the middle of. One flew up my nose and I did what came to mind first- a farmer's blow. Brad looked back at me with that "Shhhh! We're hunting!" face. Or maybe it was "Oh my gosh, did my girlfriend JUST do that?!" hehe What can I say? We are in the middle of the woods- no beauty judges out here! :)
Coming around the side of a hill (more like mountain, if you ask me) Brad spotted deer first. One, two then three jumped and high-tailed it out of there! He thought the back one was a buck and I whipped out my binoculars on it... aw. No buck that I could see.
Since we scared them off, there wasn't any use in sitting around in bug land, so we made our way back up the hill. Meeting up with Loren, we made our way back to the first clear cut we came in at. (We saw a buck there, but it ran off too stinkin fast)
We decided to sit it out and wait to see if the buck would come back since we were running out of daylight and there wouldn't be enough time to go and hunt anywhere else. No luck with that either. Bummer. But at least we know where a decent buck is at! Next time we will get him! Well, at least I hope. :)
The sunset was SO pretty that night up in the woods!
Armour Bearer
This last weekend we were blessed with a guest in our home... a Navajo Indian Missionary, Terrance Calvin. What a joy it was to have him visiting with us and fellowshipping! He preached a fiery message on Sunday and (no surprise here) it was amazing! JUST what I needed to hear! Probably what lots of people needed to hear.. God had a funny way of doing that- you think He is just talking to you, when the finger is being pointed to a dozen other people as well ;)
Mr. Calvin's message was on being an armour bearer. There are countless stories in the Bible about men and women doing God's work, but behind just about everyone of them there was a helper. A "bearer" of tasks, there to be a help-meet. In the Old Testament there is a story about Moses and the battle of the Israelites and the Amalekites. He had a staff in his hands, and they were stretched upward towards the sky. When he kept his arms raised, the Israelites won the battle. When he tired and they fell, the opposing army won. So two men came and each supported an arm- they knew that it was God's plan for Moses to be the bearer, but they could help him out. (Exodus 17:11)
Another story tells us about Jonathan and his armour bearer. Jonathan would go out into battle and after taking a man down, his helper would be right there behind him making sure they were finished off, or handed him a different weapon; he made sure that everything was perfect. Because of this loyalty, Jonathan trusted his armour-bearer with his life. (1 Samuel 14)
It goes the same for a husband and wife. It is a team effort, and when one of the players is out of sync, Satan wins. Marriages are torn apart, lives are dashed upon the rocks. WOMEN.... we are to be our HUSBANDS armour-bearer! We are to lift them up and treat them as a king. We were created to be his help-meet. Marriage was not meant to be a battle- to tear down one another with word or actions. It is a union of hearts, mind and body- working TOGETHER for the common goal. This DOES NOT mean that we are to be treated as a door mat, quite on the contrary! The Bible tells men that they should love their wives as themselves! We need to be their "armour-bearer" for their tasks at hand. I have seen countless women give up a life that is familiar to them to follow their husbands into the missionary field, plant
a new church, follow a new job direction- or any other kind of "wild goose chase" that may occur. These women are following- fuss free- to be a help-meet to their husbands!
We are to be an armour bearer for our pastors as well! These men of God go through so much in life and where would they be without encouragement? Their spirits fall just like any of us, so why don't people support their pastors? It is a day to day battle and someone has to fight it.. so just like Moses holding up the staff... we need to support their arms in the spiritual war. It is God's calling for them, but we can be the beams that hold the roof up :) We can be the ones to volunteer to clean, or teach Sunday School every now and then. Anything to help with the ministry. Nothing is ever to little or small of a task.
Mr. Calvin's message was touching. On so many levels. Children helping their parents, wives helping their husbands- either way you look at it, there are so many ways that we can be armour bearers in our lives!
Mr. Calvin's message was on being an armour bearer. There are countless stories in the Bible about men and women doing God's work, but behind just about everyone of them there was a helper. A "bearer" of tasks, there to be a help-meet. In the Old Testament there is a story about Moses and the battle of the Israelites and the Amalekites. He had a staff in his hands, and they were stretched upward towards the sky. When he kept his arms raised, the Israelites won the battle. When he tired and they fell, the opposing army won. So two men came and each supported an arm- they knew that it was God's plan for Moses to be the bearer, but they could help him out. (Exodus 17:11)
Another story tells us about Jonathan and his armour bearer. Jonathan would go out into battle and after taking a man down, his helper would be right there behind him making sure they were finished off, or handed him a different weapon; he made sure that everything was perfect. Because of this loyalty, Jonathan trusted his armour-bearer with his life. (1 Samuel 14)
It goes the same for a husband and wife. It is a team effort, and when one of the players is out of sync, Satan wins. Marriages are torn apart, lives are dashed upon the rocks. WOMEN.... we are to be our HUSBANDS armour-bearer! We are to lift them up and treat them as a king. We were created to be his help-meet. Marriage was not meant to be a battle- to tear down one another with word or actions. It is a union of hearts, mind and body- working TOGETHER for the common goal. This DOES NOT mean that we are to be treated as a door mat, quite on the contrary! The Bible tells men that they should love their wives as themselves! We need to be their "armour-bearer" for their tasks at hand. I have seen countless women give up a life that is familiar to them to follow their husbands into the missionary field, plant
a new church, follow a new job direction- or any other kind of "wild goose chase" that may occur. These women are following- fuss free- to be a help-meet to their husbands!
We are to be an armour bearer for our pastors as well! These men of God go through so much in life and where would they be without encouragement? Their spirits fall just like any of us, so why don't people support their pastors? It is a day to day battle and someone has to fight it.. so just like Moses holding up the staff... we need to support their arms in the spiritual war. It is God's calling for them, but we can be the beams that hold the roof up :) We can be the ones to volunteer to clean, or teach Sunday School every now and then. Anything to help with the ministry. Nothing is ever to little or small of a task.
Mr. Calvin's message was touching. On so many levels. Children helping their parents, wives helping their husbands- either way you look at it, there are so many ways that we can be armour bearers in our lives!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Put Some Kick In Your Cooking!
So the other day I got a wild hair and decided to make homemade tamales and tortillas. Everything turned out way better than I ever could have hoped! It was simply a miracle, I assume. ;)
You first mix up the "dough" for the tamales.
The corn husks prior to soaking...
Soak the corn husks in warm water until they are workable (roughly 10 minutes)
While your husks are soaking, cook up your choice of meat and seasonings.
Get your steaming pot good and ready!
Rinse off the corn husks.
Spread a good amount of the Masa on the corn husk. Then put in a couple spoon-fulls of meat.
Fold it like so...
And stack upright in the steamer. Steam for 1 hour, or until the Masa leaves the sides of the corn husk.
While the tamales are cooking, start making your tortillas!! I found a super easy recipe on the internet... basically it's flour, salt and butter.
The dough is ready for rolling, patting and makin (not a B hehe) tortillas!
The rolled out tortilla (taco sized) ready to get cooked!
FINISHED! And soooo good.
Everything was a huge hit, the family was well fed and it was a blast to make everything homemade! ;)
Belt Buckles and Bowstrings: A Love Story
So today marks the fifth day of deer season. My Dad surprised me with a visit and bragging rights at the coffee stand yesterday morning with a nice three point buck! On opening day he saw the same buck, but it was at such an awkward angle down hill and the shot missed it's target. Mr. Buck was caught napping this morning and that is what brought an end to bucky-doodle. Nice shot, Dad!!
I remember when I got my first horse. She was a Quarter horse mare, sooty bay. 15.1 hands high, she was a teacher, friend, my confidante. For as long as I can remember I wanted a horse of my own. A riding partner to forge rivers, cross mountain passes, scale cliffs and brave a desert. Well that was in my mind, at least. ;) We actually did do alot together- we really did forge a river, I dressed up in a medieval costume and other traditional garb for extra credit for school (haha) and I showed her in the local fair. We went on lots of trail rides and I even tried getting her used to guns for hunting. (She was so bomb-proof.. just not in that department lol) I could stand for hours braiding her mane and tail and she would gladly let me. It is sad when good things must come to an end- "Kip" was 26 and arthritis was starting to plague her in her hind end. I had just started a full time job up North, and driving over an hour one way and still working an 8 hour work day was getting to be to much. I couldn't dedicate enough time for riding and she needed a lighter rider for her benefit anyway. I decided to make the decision to give her away to a local family that had a young rider that loved her very much. Part of me wishes that I would have kept in touch with the family to see how she was doing, but the other half was so saddened by the fact that my friend was gone that I didn't even want to bother for fear of getting too emotional about it. I regret it every day that I think about her. She was a jewel, saint, and my "barn mother". Kip took care of me while riding or just dorking around in the stalls. I'm so thankful for her being in my life!
My second horse was found on Craigslist. He was a HUGE fellow, part Quarterhorse and Draft. He was jet black with one white sock and a star. The original owners called him Patches. That just didn't do. We doubed him Cisco. Come to find out it would be "Psycho Cisco". lol He was so strong, and really fun to ride bare-back because of his wide back, but every now and then he would have freak out moments. The poor boyfriend got pitched against the isle wall at the barn when he decided to head but him. That was enough for Brad. I really don't blame him- he puts up with alot from my critters, but when it comes to horses he would rather just ride a quad. And this particular incident really cemented his decision on that one. ;) I loved Cisco, too- and he ended up going to a good home with a man that is used to training "problem" horses. (Although I don't think Cisco was that crazy- you just needed to know what his breaking points were and work through them)
My boyfriend recently bought me a colt to work with. I was so excited the first time we went to look at him! He was so cute with his little lower lip quivering for mommas milk and his fluff of a tail bobbing around. He was only three months old and such a cutie! We brought him home at five months old and he came to have the name Caesar. He is 3/4 Arabian and when he prances around you can sure tell!! I think that he will become pretty leggy- he still has alot of growing left and he is already pretty tall. When we first got him it reminded me of a belt buckle that my Dad bought for me the first year I showed Kip. It was silver with lots of detail and gold rope accents around the perimeter. Right smack-dab in the middle is a foal. I'm pretty sure that started all thoughts of cute ponys and foals :) Every time I look at it, it reminds me of Caesar. I have been working with the baby on lead lines and picking up his feet. He is getting better with new things each day that goes by, and someday I think that my little man will become an awesome riding horse! Caesar's story unfolds with every minute that passes and I can't wait to see who he will become.
It was love at first sight!
I recently started archery hunting in hopes of discovering a new leaf and adventure. I remember when I got my bow- so much excitement! I had not been around it much, so for me it was such a new concept. I met my boyfriend at the archery range, too! I love thinking back on that moment- so many different feelings going on in my head it was hard to think!
My best friend went with me to the range sometimes to shoot (for the most part we were chatty Cathy's). That particular day she was telling me about a call that she went on with the Fire Department (she was a volunteer firefighter at the time) and how she met this guy there. Beth, the medic and Mr. Mystery Guy went out for breakfast after the call. Thoroughly hounding the medic- she got all the info on Mr. Mystery. While Beth is busy telling me everything about him we grab our bows and head into the range to shoot. We are chatting away and two men walk in. Beth does a silent squeal and grabs me by the arm. "Oh, my goodness! THAT is the very guy I was JUST talking about!!!" My heart does it's signature flippy-flop and my toes tingle. Turning my head slowly around I snatch a quick peek before anyone can see. Oh my goodness! He is so tall and good looking! And he is a hunter.. obviously, or else he wouldn't be here... Gaaaa! I felt like a little kid. I must look so ridiculous. Oh, great. Beth calls over- BRAD! Ahhh.... no, no, no! Now he will really see how red my face is! "This is my friend, Maleah." And I honestly don't remember anything else that was said that day. He did offer for us to go outside with him and his friend and I declined totally making up a fib that we had already shot the outside range... grrrr... what an idiot! lol I was so hot feeling- despite the shorts and t-shirt.
The real kicker is that Beth sent Brad a text later on that day saying nonchalantly, "Here is Maleah's number if you want to talk to her". I could have killed her. Secretly I was happy, but I thought- what would I say?! The next day I got a text. It was so polite and gentleman like. He asked if I would mind if he text me- Beth had given him my number. Oh- how happy and awesome! :)
For the next couple of weeks we met up at different events that the archery range was putting on and I invited him to go with my friends and I to the fair. We both knew right away that we wanted to make things "official", so he went and talked with my Dad about dating me.
I love our story not only because it is our story, but one that fits us so perfectly. Not full of fancy frills, not fake.
If it weren't for bowstrings... where would I be at today? I hate to even think!
PS... Asking Brad later about how we first met we got to talking about that first day seeing each other. It cracks me up- he still remembers what I was wearing... white shorts and a red t-shirt. ;) So thank goodness for belt buckles and bowstrings... where would I be without them?!
Dad and I have been hunting together for my whole life!! Thanks for the memories Dad!
I remember when I got my first horse. She was a Quarter horse mare, sooty bay. 15.1 hands high, she was a teacher, friend, my confidante. For as long as I can remember I wanted a horse of my own. A riding partner to forge rivers, cross mountain passes, scale cliffs and brave a desert. Well that was in my mind, at least. ;) We actually did do alot together- we really did forge a river, I dressed up in a medieval costume and other traditional garb for extra credit for school (haha) and I showed her in the local fair. We went on lots of trail rides and I even tried getting her used to guns for hunting. (She was so bomb-proof.. just not in that department lol) I could stand for hours braiding her mane and tail and she would gladly let me. It is sad when good things must come to an end- "Kip" was 26 and arthritis was starting to plague her in her hind end. I had just started a full time job up North, and driving over an hour one way and still working an 8 hour work day was getting to be to much. I couldn't dedicate enough time for riding and she needed a lighter rider for her benefit anyway. I decided to make the decision to give her away to a local family that had a young rider that loved her very much. Part of me wishes that I would have kept in touch with the family to see how she was doing, but the other half was so saddened by the fact that my friend was gone that I didn't even want to bother for fear of getting too emotional about it. I regret it every day that I think about her. She was a jewel, saint, and my "barn mother". Kip took care of me while riding or just dorking around in the stalls. I'm so thankful for her being in my life!
My second horse was found on Craigslist. He was a HUGE fellow, part Quarterhorse and Draft. He was jet black with one white sock and a star. The original owners called him Patches. That just didn't do. We doubed him Cisco. Come to find out it would be "Psycho Cisco". lol He was so strong, and really fun to ride bare-back because of his wide back, but every now and then he would have freak out moments. The poor boyfriend got pitched against the isle wall at the barn when he decided to head but him. That was enough for Brad. I really don't blame him- he puts up with alot from my critters, but when it comes to horses he would rather just ride a quad. And this particular incident really cemented his decision on that one. ;) I loved Cisco, too- and he ended up going to a good home with a man that is used to training "problem" horses. (Although I don't think Cisco was that crazy- you just needed to know what his breaking points were and work through them)
My boyfriend recently bought me a colt to work with. I was so excited the first time we went to look at him! He was so cute with his little lower lip quivering for mommas milk and his fluff of a tail bobbing around. He was only three months old and such a cutie! We brought him home at five months old and he came to have the name Caesar. He is 3/4 Arabian and when he prances around you can sure tell!! I think that he will become pretty leggy- he still has alot of growing left and he is already pretty tall. When we first got him it reminded me of a belt buckle that my Dad bought for me the first year I showed Kip. It was silver with lots of detail and gold rope accents around the perimeter. Right smack-dab in the middle is a foal. I'm pretty sure that started all thoughts of cute ponys and foals :) Every time I look at it, it reminds me of Caesar. I have been working with the baby on lead lines and picking up his feet. He is getting better with new things each day that goes by, and someday I think that my little man will become an awesome riding horse! Caesar's story unfolds with every minute that passes and I can't wait to see who he will become.
It was love at first sight!
I recently started archery hunting in hopes of discovering a new leaf and adventure. I remember when I got my bow- so much excitement! I had not been around it much, so for me it was such a new concept. I met my boyfriend at the archery range, too! I love thinking back on that moment- so many different feelings going on in my head it was hard to think!
My best friend went with me to the range sometimes to shoot (for the most part we were chatty Cathy's). That particular day she was telling me about a call that she went on with the Fire Department (she was a volunteer firefighter at the time) and how she met this guy there. Beth, the medic and Mr. Mystery Guy went out for breakfast after the call. Thoroughly hounding the medic- she got all the info on Mr. Mystery. While Beth is busy telling me everything about him we grab our bows and head into the range to shoot. We are chatting away and two men walk in. Beth does a silent squeal and grabs me by the arm. "Oh, my goodness! THAT is the very guy I was JUST talking about!!!" My heart does it's signature flippy-flop and my toes tingle. Turning my head slowly around I snatch a quick peek before anyone can see. Oh my goodness! He is so tall and good looking! And he is a hunter.. obviously, or else he wouldn't be here... Gaaaa! I felt like a little kid. I must look so ridiculous. Oh, great. Beth calls over- BRAD! Ahhh.... no, no, no! Now he will really see how red my face is! "This is my friend, Maleah." And I honestly don't remember anything else that was said that day. He did offer for us to go outside with him and his friend and I declined totally making up a fib that we had already shot the outside range... grrrr... what an idiot! lol I was so hot feeling- despite the shorts and t-shirt.
The real kicker is that Beth sent Brad a text later on that day saying nonchalantly, "Here is Maleah's number if you want to talk to her". I could have killed her. Secretly I was happy, but I thought- what would I say?! The next day I got a text. It was so polite and gentleman like. He asked if I would mind if he text me- Beth had given him my number. Oh- how happy and awesome! :)
For the next couple of weeks we met up at different events that the archery range was putting on and I invited him to go with my friends and I to the fair. We both knew right away that we wanted to make things "official", so he went and talked with my Dad about dating me.
I love our story not only because it is our story, but one that fits us so perfectly. Not full of fancy frills, not fake.
If it weren't for bowstrings... where would I be at today? I hate to even think!
PS... Asking Brad later about how we first met we got to talking about that first day seeing each other. It cracks me up- he still remembers what I was wearing... white shorts and a red t-shirt. ;) So thank goodness for belt buckles and bowstrings... where would I be without them?!
Longbeach, 2011
With our friends after mudding at their house... hehe
He may not climb mountains for me, but he has definitely gone the extra mile... hehe
Monday, October 17, 2011
Buck, Down!!
So it has been a few days (again, ugh) since my last post... I have some awesome things to share- which I will get to later ;) But first comes first.
Hunting season is OFFICIALLY here! Well, rifle season, at least. The fifteenth brought no luck, and it was my Dad's birthday so we had to call it a day earlier that we would have liked. Sunday didn't bring any more luck.. or so we thought. Before church I squeezed in a morning hunt; rushing back to the house to throw on some makeup and "church" clothes before I was late. I only saw one buck- and it ran away with it's white-flag tail waving at me.
After church I had a photo session with my Aunt and Uncle for their family pictures- and all of us together for a huge family photo. Laughter was on the top of our list as I set the timer and ran like a banshee to jump in the picture.
FINALLY, we set off for our evening hunt. My poor brother was sicker than a dog with a head cold, but he still trudged along- eager to get himself a Bambi. I felt like I was coming down with something and had a headache, but my mind was focused on what lay ahead- skinning, gutting; the works. Or so I hoped.
We pulled off to watch a field that my Dad has been seeing some deer in (there wasn't enough time to go traipsing out in the woods) and we waited and waited some more for the deer. After watching our fifth "Allstate Insurance Mayhem" commercial on my phone (hehe) we finally saw some movement in the far corner of the field. One doe, two fawns. They ran to the opposite side of the field, blowing up and spooking like a cougar was in hot pursuit. Stopping at the far side where we wouldn't be able to shoot, my Dad decided to check it out. Sure enough- trespassers. Goofy people. Thanks alot.
We thought of other places to go, but with daylight fading in only another hour we really didn't have many other options that were close by. So we started heading towards my grandparent's, where they have a huge field that sometimes will have deer browsing through the delicate, tender clover and grass.
We came upon the area and lo and behold there WERE deer out in the field! We couldn't quite tell what they were or how many, so we went to the other side of the barn and whipped out the binoculars. Sure enough, a BUCK!!! Suddenly, my headache was gone and even Loren was a little perkier. Earlier in between Mayhem commercials, we flipped for who would be the first shooter.. and I won with tails ;) Here we go!!
I took a rest and my breathing was slow and steady as I put the cross hairs in the kill zone. A couple of does were behind him, so I had to wait while they moved. He was facing away at horrible angle, but I envisioned where his heart would be and while his head was down, time stood still for just a moment. Ah, what happens in a moment! A bird chirped, the grass waved. A flicker of an ear, twitch of a tail. Slow and steady... I pulled the trigger and he went down immediately- my head flew up and I chambered another shell and my eye looked through the scope again. No need for another shot- HE'S DOWN!
We got back to the truck and drove over to check out the situation. Perfect shot! With his head down the way it was, my shot was perfectly in the kill zone (lungs) and the exit wound is where it broke his back right above his shoulders.
I started shaking and I thought it was from the cold, but when I called my boyfriend to tell him the news he said I sounded really excited. ;) I was- I don't ever NOT get excited! So the shakes must have been from excitement....hehe. For me it is all about the experience- wither it is in the woods or a field- a monster pig or a tiny buck... to me I love it all!
Getting back to the house we hung him up and started skinning. My brother and boyfriend worked quickly and I got to finish it up with skinning and gutting. Alot of people are shocked with the concepts of hunting, but for us it is a way of life. Something that I hope someday my kids will enjoy doing. Learning about how to provide food for your family- food for nourishment. If they don't, that is ok, too. It's not for everyone, but for me it is my favorite time of year- a time of year that we, as a family, can do what we love, together.
PS... I forgot to mention it was an eleven pointer!! Just kidding- it's just a spike, but he is a tall spike. ;) I hunt for meat- so the majority of my animals have been spikes and two-points. (But it's all GREAT to me... and still exciting every time)
Hunting season is OFFICIALLY here! Well, rifle season, at least. The fifteenth brought no luck, and it was my Dad's birthday so we had to call it a day earlier that we would have liked. Sunday didn't bring any more luck.. or so we thought. Before church I squeezed in a morning hunt; rushing back to the house to throw on some makeup and "church" clothes before I was late. I only saw one buck- and it ran away with it's white-flag tail waving at me.
After church I had a photo session with my Aunt and Uncle for their family pictures- and all of us together for a huge family photo. Laughter was on the top of our list as I set the timer and ran like a banshee to jump in the picture.
FINALLY, we set off for our evening hunt. My poor brother was sicker than a dog with a head cold, but he still trudged along- eager to get himself a Bambi. I felt like I was coming down with something and had a headache, but my mind was focused on what lay ahead- skinning, gutting; the works. Or so I hoped.
We pulled off to watch a field that my Dad has been seeing some deer in (there wasn't enough time to go traipsing out in the woods) and we waited and waited some more for the deer. After watching our fifth "Allstate Insurance Mayhem" commercial on my phone (hehe) we finally saw some movement in the far corner of the field. One doe, two fawns. They ran to the opposite side of the field, blowing up and spooking like a cougar was in hot pursuit. Stopping at the far side where we wouldn't be able to shoot, my Dad decided to check it out. Sure enough- trespassers. Goofy people. Thanks alot.
We thought of other places to go, but with daylight fading in only another hour we really didn't have many other options that were close by. So we started heading towards my grandparent's, where they have a huge field that sometimes will have deer browsing through the delicate, tender clover and grass.
We came upon the area and lo and behold there WERE deer out in the field! We couldn't quite tell what they were or how many, so we went to the other side of the barn and whipped out the binoculars. Sure enough, a BUCK!!! Suddenly, my headache was gone and even Loren was a little perkier. Earlier in between Mayhem commercials, we flipped for who would be the first shooter.. and I won with tails ;) Here we go!!
I took a rest and my breathing was slow and steady as I put the cross hairs in the kill zone. A couple of does were behind him, so I had to wait while they moved. He was facing away at horrible angle, but I envisioned where his heart would be and while his head was down, time stood still for just a moment. Ah, what happens in a moment! A bird chirped, the grass waved. A flicker of an ear, twitch of a tail. Slow and steady... I pulled the trigger and he went down immediately- my head flew up and I chambered another shell and my eye looked through the scope again. No need for another shot- HE'S DOWN!
We got back to the truck and drove over to check out the situation. Perfect shot! With his head down the way it was, my shot was perfectly in the kill zone (lungs) and the exit wound is where it broke his back right above his shoulders.
I started shaking and I thought it was from the cold, but when I called my boyfriend to tell him the news he said I sounded really excited. ;) I was- I don't ever NOT get excited! So the shakes must have been from excitement....hehe. For me it is all about the experience- wither it is in the woods or a field- a monster pig or a tiny buck... to me I love it all!
Getting back to the house we hung him up and started skinning. My brother and boyfriend worked quickly and I got to finish it up with skinning and gutting. Alot of people are shocked with the concepts of hunting, but for us it is a way of life. Something that I hope someday my kids will enjoy doing. Learning about how to provide food for your family- food for nourishment. If they don't, that is ok, too. It's not for everyone, but for me it is my favorite time of year- a time of year that we, as a family, can do what we love, together.
PS... I forgot to mention it was an eleven pointer!! Just kidding- it's just a spike, but he is a tall spike. ;) I hunt for meat- so the majority of my animals have been spikes and two-points. (But it's all GREAT to me... and still exciting every time)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Invisible Wall
Walls. Vertical structures that stop something from going or coming; sometimes only a couple of feet in height- sometimes a million feet in height. Sometimes a gigantic box with no windows or breathing room. Walls are a problem for me. I don't know any other way of saying it, but I build walls all the time. Walls too keep people out and walls to keep me in.
One of my greatest regrets is I tend to stay in my own little world; wither it is because people have pushed me there or I've decided it's what I want to do- either way I need a wrecking ball to tear them down! I feel ashamed to say that I have cancelled many friend "dates" because I don't really feel like going to a movie that day, or I am notorious for "Aw, I can't! I am already doing _____." For the most part I actually do have other things going on, but there have been times of bagging out. Times of excuses.
My boyfriend has really helped me to break down the walls one by one and I am happy to say that I haven't had issues with excuses or cancelled shopping days in quite some time now. He is a very communicative person and he likes to be in constant communication about anything and everything that is going on in his life. I am so grateful for that- it has helped me to be more open about things in my life that bother me or issues that I have in my personal life. He doesn't judge anything I confide in him, and joking is out the window when I have something "serious" to explain. I have had alot of people do the same, but for some reason I feel like there is a connection with him that is like we have known each other for a hundred years ;) I know it is corny- but it's true!! I think that we communicate very well. There are days that I'm a little slow in the understanding department, don't get me wrong, but regardless of how much I "think" I'm right or he is right, we always work through problems; always break down more pieces of the dreaded WALL.
Some days it is hard to put on a happy face, others it is a piece of cake. I like cake... I would much rather be the happy cake lady than the sour lemon face. Walls are a terrible lesson that was mine to learn; one that I'm happy to be almost rid of. Mr. Wall is a buddy that I'm happy to cancel on or make excuses to. I have learned to embrace who I am and not let other people ruin my day with their opinions of how I should be living my life. With God on my side who can go against me? With Christ ALL things are possible, the Bible tells me. I believe it! He brought Brad into my life- right when I needed him the most. It makes me so emotional to think that I have the love of someone so special! Someone that sees the good in me- never choosing to focus on the bad, ridiculous or the past. It's all forward from here! With each day that passes, I have more patience, love, faith, hope, STRENGTH, and understanding.... Mr. Wall is invisible to others, but quite clear to me- GET OUT OF HERE you dirty rotten scoundrel!! ;)
I'll climb over Mr. Wall!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
I Am What I Am
Being raised in a Christian home, I had alot of things going for me at an early age. I was always loved, provided for and cared for. Thanksgiving was not spent out in the rain and Christmas was always the "spoil" time of year. It didn't just end with my Mom and Dad- my grandparents, aunts, uncles and other friends of the family were always there to coddle, coo and admire "the first-born". The perfect setting for me to not need a Savior... never to need the HOPE of deliverance.
Fast-forward twenty-two years and here I am- still loved, still cared for. But one thing is VERY different. That is JESUS. When I was ten years old I asked Him into my heart, life; my very being. HE took the reins and is now the director- and my life wouldn't be the same if it weren't for Him!
Growing up my parents were not necessarily "church-goers", but they still had good morals and standards for how they wanted to live their life and raise up their children. I thank God for that! When I was nine or so my Dad was on a hunting trip in Canada and my Mom had received a letter from a local church inviting us to come and join them for a service. We went. To say the least, it was history from there on out. We attended for ten years, until a misfortunate event that caused the church to spit up. We learned SO much about God's word, and really and truly applied it to our lives. Our pastor had always told us that if you are somewhere and can't find a good church to attend- START ONE. So that is exactically what my Dad did. That Sunday we only had one friend that joined us for the "kitchen table service", but now- five years later, we are up to 70+ people if everyone is in attendance. God had blessed the faithfulness of His believers- and I'm so very glad that my Dad trusted in Him!
My life has taken dramatic changes in the last five years- struggles in finding myself, struggles in believing in myself and struggles with family- but one thing I know.... we are changing all the time! If there wasn't any change in our lives, then we would not be growing in Christ and having faith like we should!
A few years ago we decided for Christmas that we would make gifts instead of buying them. It turned out to be the most tears-of-joy, emotional Christmas that we have ever had. Unwrapping beautiful drawings, scrapbooked memories (and my brother built me a beautiful wood dresser/jewelry case!!) we decided that it meant so much more to us to make gifts, rather than buy them.
I was thinking about how doing something so simple can create such joy- and I want someday for my children to see the example that my husband and I will set.
Exodus 20:5 tells us why it is so important to live a life for the Lord:
"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"
This verse is so important to me because I don't want to be "that parent" that is forever doing wrong in front of little eyes. Children do grow up to become adults- (Big suprise) and what we do or say in front of them greatly affects who they will become as adults... and it will drag on into the lives of their children someday, too. Sometimes I am quick to anger, or have an impatient heart... things that "run in the family". Every family has it's ups and downs, dissagreements and problems. But it is NEVER too late to break the chain. My parents did- by going to church, getting SAVED, living a life full of God, having faith, they have the HOPE that so many people crave! I have that hope as well!!
Time spent with family instead of getting high with friends will pay off way better down the road. Making gifts for people that least expect it for Christmas instead of wondering what you will get will set an example that your children/spouse/friends/etc. they will never forget! I am taking a vow to become a better person... regardless of how I am "judged" for my Christianity. I took the vow to trust in Christ and have Faith that He delivered me! I am a child of the King- and thankful for it!!
I am what I am, and so thankful that Jesus decided to die for me regardless of my sins that have been "passed down" or commit day to day. If I wouldn't have taken the leap of Faith when I was ten years old- I would be blessed in an earthly sense, but would never know what it feels like to be blessed in a Heavenly way!! Change is good not only for yourself, but for the little ones that come after you! You are the person that scares under-the-bed monsters away, the Dad that lifts them high up so they can pretend they are Super Man, the Mom that is the "professional chef"... all types of heroes- but it amounts to nothing without God! Be your child's REAL hero- raise them up with the joy of the Lord!
Fast-forward twenty-two years and here I am- still loved, still cared for. But one thing is VERY different. That is JESUS. When I was ten years old I asked Him into my heart, life; my very being. HE took the reins and is now the director- and my life wouldn't be the same if it weren't for Him!
Growing up my parents were not necessarily "church-goers", but they still had good morals and standards for how they wanted to live their life and raise up their children. I thank God for that! When I was nine or so my Dad was on a hunting trip in Canada and my Mom had received a letter from a local church inviting us to come and join them for a service. We went. To say the least, it was history from there on out. We attended for ten years, until a misfortunate event that caused the church to spit up. We learned SO much about God's word, and really and truly applied it to our lives. Our pastor had always told us that if you are somewhere and can't find a good church to attend- START ONE. So that is exactically what my Dad did. That Sunday we only had one friend that joined us for the "kitchen table service", but now- five years later, we are up to 70+ people if everyone is in attendance. God had blessed the faithfulness of His believers- and I'm so very glad that my Dad trusted in Him!
My life has taken dramatic changes in the last five years- struggles in finding myself, struggles in believing in myself and struggles with family- but one thing I know.... we are changing all the time! If there wasn't any change in our lives, then we would not be growing in Christ and having faith like we should!
A few years ago we decided for Christmas that we would make gifts instead of buying them. It turned out to be the most tears-of-joy, emotional Christmas that we have ever had. Unwrapping beautiful drawings, scrapbooked memories (and my brother built me a beautiful wood dresser/jewelry case!!) we decided that it meant so much more to us to make gifts, rather than buy them.
I was thinking about how doing something so simple can create such joy- and I want someday for my children to see the example that my husband and I will set.
Exodus 20:5 tells us why it is so important to live a life for the Lord:
"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"
This verse is so important to me because I don't want to be "that parent" that is forever doing wrong in front of little eyes. Children do grow up to become adults- (Big suprise) and what we do or say in front of them greatly affects who they will become as adults... and it will drag on into the lives of their children someday, too. Sometimes I am quick to anger, or have an impatient heart... things that "run in the family". Every family has it's ups and downs, dissagreements and problems. But it is NEVER too late to break the chain. My parents did- by going to church, getting SAVED, living a life full of God, having faith, they have the HOPE that so many people crave! I have that hope as well!!
Time spent with family instead of getting high with friends will pay off way better down the road. Making gifts for people that least expect it for Christmas instead of wondering what you will get will set an example that your children/spouse/friends/etc. they will never forget! I am taking a vow to become a better person... regardless of how I am "judged" for my Christianity. I took the vow to trust in Christ and have Faith that He delivered me! I am a child of the King- and thankful for it!!
I am what I am, and so thankful that Jesus decided to die for me regardless of my sins that have been "passed down" or commit day to day. If I wouldn't have taken the leap of Faith when I was ten years old- I would be blessed in an earthly sense, but would never know what it feels like to be blessed in a Heavenly way!! Change is good not only for yourself, but for the little ones that come after you! You are the person that scares under-the-bed monsters away, the Dad that lifts them high up so they can pretend they are Super Man, the Mom that is the "professional chef"... all types of heroes- but it amounts to nothing without God! Be your child's REAL hero- raise them up with the joy of the Lord!
My Baptism!
Just A Cup Of Coffee
This was for the other day...ooops! I thought I posted it, but I guess not!
I'm a coffee snob. Tried and true... I just can not seem to help myself. I know the way that I like my coffee, and I'm not afraid to order it that way. So what if I want regular flavorings, but fat free milk- topped with whipped cream? So what if I want an Americano with just a little dab of half and half, one Stevia, a smidgen of honey, one pump of vanilla and three shots?? Aren't I entitled to have it the "way I want"? Being a barista means: fun, exciting, sexy, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee all day long, early mornings and lots of cleaning. It is a job that I will love till the end... my best friend and something that will never talk back. Coffee is the image of America it seems- EVERYONE knows what it is, what it tastes like- and most likely- the way they like it, too!
One day a woman came up to the coffee stand and her little girl climbed in the front seat to talk as well. (They know I give out suckers or other candy) This woman has been coming for some time now and this particular morning she was asking me to make her coffee a certain way. I thought I was crazy with my coffee "combinations". She went on for minutes about why she liked her coffee this way- or that way. She asked if I had any other crazy customers like her. :) I laughed and explained that everyone has "their thing" you just have to experiment to see what you like. The little girl piped up and said, "Isn't it just a cup of coffee?" with plenty of sarcasm emphasized on just. Her mother rolled her eyes and drove off, but it left me thinking.
This little girl held alot of wisdom at her tender age- and she was just right. It is just a cup of coffee. (Maybe the BEST cup, but still just coffee) What ever happened to smelling the roses? Or Sunday driving? Now the world is filled with Starbucks- everyone trying to squeeze in a cup of joe before their busy and hectic day begins. Nothing is simple... do you see the pattern? TO GO restaurants, DRIVE THROUGH library book drop offs and INTERNET shopping. All to save time- yet somehow we still need more time in our day! What ever happened to "just life?"
I don't know about you, but I will still be a coffee nut forever- (I just LOVE it too much hehe) but I will try to stop and smell the roses a time or two. After all- beauty is everywhere around us... created by God -for us! And I miss it all because I'm to busy and occupied with my life. I am going to try and not get mad at the person on the freeway with their blinker on for three and a half miles, or the lady in WalMart that keeps ramming her cart into the back of my leg, or the screaming child that is throwing a fit on the floor of a restaurant. Because someday that could be my blinker, my cart or my crazy child.... and I would want people to understand. I get caught up with the "rush" of it all- so help me, God, to see the importance of peace! -But it doesn't hurt anything to have a good cup of coffee ;)
Dancing Goats blend from Batdorf and Bronson!!! YES!
I'm a coffee snob. Tried and true... I just can not seem to help myself. I know the way that I like my coffee, and I'm not afraid to order it that way. So what if I want regular flavorings, but fat free milk- topped with whipped cream? So what if I want an Americano with just a little dab of half and half, one Stevia, a smidgen of honey, one pump of vanilla and three shots?? Aren't I entitled to have it the "way I want"? Being a barista means: fun, exciting, sexy, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee all day long, early mornings and lots of cleaning. It is a job that I will love till the end... my best friend and something that will never talk back. Coffee is the image of America it seems- EVERYONE knows what it is, what it tastes like- and most likely- the way they like it, too!
One day a woman came up to the coffee stand and her little girl climbed in the front seat to talk as well. (They know I give out suckers or other candy) This woman has been coming for some time now and this particular morning she was asking me to make her coffee a certain way. I thought I was crazy with my coffee "combinations". She went on for minutes about why she liked her coffee this way- or that way. She asked if I had any other crazy customers like her. :) I laughed and explained that everyone has "their thing" you just have to experiment to see what you like. The little girl piped up and said, "Isn't it just a cup of coffee?" with plenty of sarcasm emphasized on just. Her mother rolled her eyes and drove off, but it left me thinking.
This little girl held alot of wisdom at her tender age- and she was just right. It is just a cup of coffee. (Maybe the BEST cup, but still just coffee) What ever happened to smelling the roses? Or Sunday driving? Now the world is filled with Starbucks- everyone trying to squeeze in a cup of joe before their busy and hectic day begins. Nothing is simple... do you see the pattern? TO GO restaurants, DRIVE THROUGH library book drop offs and INTERNET shopping. All to save time- yet somehow we still need more time in our day! What ever happened to "just life?"
I don't know about you, but I will still be a coffee nut forever- (I just LOVE it too much hehe) but I will try to stop and smell the roses a time or two. After all- beauty is everywhere around us... created by God -for us! And I miss it all because I'm to busy and occupied with my life. I am going to try and not get mad at the person on the freeway with their blinker on for three and a half miles, or the lady in WalMart that keeps ramming her cart into the back of my leg, or the screaming child that is throwing a fit on the floor of a restaurant. Because someday that could be my blinker, my cart or my crazy child.... and I would want people to understand. I get caught up with the "rush" of it all- so help me, God, to see the importance of peace! -But it doesn't hurt anything to have a good cup of coffee ;)
Monday, October 3, 2011
So it's been a few days since my last post... I was busy drinking hot cocoa and eating chocolate chip cookies while reading a super intense murder mystery wrapped in a cocoon of woven blankets. Pfsh... I wish. :)
On Thursday night we welcomed a new member into the "family"... a Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever mix puppy! I named her Kita (Kee-tah) and she is a six week old little furry bundle of fun. (Just about as wonderful as warm cookies hehe) My boyfriend has wanted a Lab pup for a while and train it for pheasant hunting and duck retrieving. I am so excited! I am up for ANY kind of hunting... big game or little birds :) Hopefully I will be able to snag a couple of friends and get their help with the training... pheasants- you better watch out! Kita girl is going to come and get ya! She is just the cutest, petite little thing you have ever seen- and that puppy breath- aw! I'm in LOVE! For the last two nights she stayed with me at my parent's house and (shhhhh...) snuggled in with me and my feather pillows and down comforter. hehe.... I just can't help myself! I am tuckered out with getting up every two hours to take her potty... but it's worth it! With eyes rolling and chuckles from deep down- my significant other wraps her up in her blanket (It has been cold out there, people!) and even took her on Saturday while I had to work. He went door knocking for our Fire Commissioner's re-election campaign and she was quite a hit. We were mauled at Sunbirds, the pet store, the bank... seems that she is getting more than her fair share of "socialization". ;)
I got to thinking over the weekend (BIG surprise! I actually DO think.. not just talk lol) and my word for the day will be PATIENCE. Well actually patience and HUMILITY. I am pretty sure that everyone has struggled with this one at least once in their life- but it is so hard to actually practice what you preach. Not only with patience, but everything in the Christian walk. I tend to talk myself into holes so deep that I should be in China by now. Sometimes it is embarrassing, others it is just so stupid and pointless. Like waiting for water to boil or a chicken to hatch- so goes my life of patience. Or rather NO patience. I'll share my most recent story of patience and humility... there are countless others, but I'll save those for a later date ;) I never really noticed how impatient I was until my best friend walked down the isle to meet her Mr. Right back in August. As I was standing up with the other bridesmaids it hit me. First it was anger laced with jealousy. Then self pity. I felt like someone should donkey kick me in the head. Why do I feel this way?! It was a perfect day- a WEDDING day; my FRIEND's day. But that's just it. The cat is out of the bag and my feelings are on the table. I want to be married! I want to start a family and raise children up to be Godly and full of His LIGHT. There's a key word in there though, and this morning I realized it- WANT. I want this, and I want that- but what is GOD's plan for my life?! What do I NEED? I get too busy and wrapped up in my own knots that I fail to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I don't ever hear God's still small voice because my ears are being filled with the music of business. Which is almost like idleness... you are so busy that it is almost like you are doing nothing. Wheels keep turning, yet I've taken two steps back instead of the three ahead.
My boyfriend told me a few years back that he wanted to wait to ask for my hand in marriage when GOD wanted him to ask. How stupid am I to pressure or joke with him about getting married. He is following what God wants him to do and I have lost sight of that. Shame on me. Shame on anyone that interjects their feelings and plans into God's Will that He has for our man! It is hard to do- especially when we live in a fast paced society or don't agree with his ideas. God's plan for us in our lives was to be a help meet for our husbands. Someday I can't wait to be just that. I have such love and respect from my man and I take it for granted! He gives up so much of his free time and life to dedicate it to me- and here I am being the dreaded "nagger".
I think that's why God's plan was for my friend to get married before I did. Not that I should have, I just had it in my mind that I would. How naive. We had been dating longer than their relationship, so I guess in my mind it made sense. Humility. A lesson for me to learn. Plain and simple... yet so hard to take. The devil creeps in and whispers garbage in my ear and foolish me for letting him persuade me to doubt! Listening to them take their vows as husband and wife was definitely humbling. It is not only a union of hearts, but a promise of forever. Not everything will be peaches and roses, but together and with God they will live a blessed life.
Marriage is something to not be taken lightly and I want to be fully ready before I walk down the isle in white to some sappy song that will make everyone cry. :) God knows my heart... He knows the very number of hairs on our head. (Matthew 10:30) I trust that He knows when I'm ready, too! When my day comes for marriage I will be ready- ready to be the wife that God wants me to be.
Proverbs 31:10-31 says:
10. "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12. She will do hi good and not evil all the days of her life.
13. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14. She is like the erchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18. She percieveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
31. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
On Thursday night we welcomed a new member into the "family"... a Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever mix puppy! I named her Kita (Kee-tah) and she is a six week old little furry bundle of fun. (Just about as wonderful as warm cookies hehe) My boyfriend has wanted a Lab pup for a while and train it for pheasant hunting and duck retrieving. I am so excited! I am up for ANY kind of hunting... big game or little birds :) Hopefully I will be able to snag a couple of friends and get their help with the training... pheasants- you better watch out! Kita girl is going to come and get ya! She is just the cutest, petite little thing you have ever seen- and that puppy breath- aw! I'm in LOVE! For the last two nights she stayed with me at my parent's house and (shhhhh...) snuggled in with me and my feather pillows and down comforter. hehe.... I just can't help myself! I am tuckered out with getting up every two hours to take her potty... but it's worth it! With eyes rolling and chuckles from deep down- my significant other wraps her up in her blanket (It has been cold out there, people!) and even took her on Saturday while I had to work. He went door knocking for our Fire Commissioner's re-election campaign and she was quite a hit. We were mauled at Sunbirds, the pet store, the bank... seems that she is getting more than her fair share of "socialization". ;)
Just had a bath <3
I got to thinking over the weekend (BIG surprise! I actually DO think.. not just talk lol) and my word for the day will be PATIENCE. Well actually patience and HUMILITY. I am pretty sure that everyone has struggled with this one at least once in their life- but it is so hard to actually practice what you preach. Not only with patience, but everything in the Christian walk. I tend to talk myself into holes so deep that I should be in China by now. Sometimes it is embarrassing, others it is just so stupid and pointless. Like waiting for water to boil or a chicken to hatch- so goes my life of patience. Or rather NO patience. I'll share my most recent story of patience and humility... there are countless others, but I'll save those for a later date ;) I never really noticed how impatient I was until my best friend walked down the isle to meet her Mr. Right back in August. As I was standing up with the other bridesmaids it hit me. First it was anger laced with jealousy. Then self pity. I felt like someone should donkey kick me in the head. Why do I feel this way?! It was a perfect day- a WEDDING day; my FRIEND's day. But that's just it. The cat is out of the bag and my feelings are on the table. I want to be married! I want to start a family and raise children up to be Godly and full of His LIGHT. There's a key word in there though, and this morning I realized it- WANT. I want this, and I want that- but what is GOD's plan for my life?! What do I NEED? I get too busy and wrapped up in my own knots that I fail to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I don't ever hear God's still small voice because my ears are being filled with the music of business. Which is almost like idleness... you are so busy that it is almost like you are doing nothing. Wheels keep turning, yet I've taken two steps back instead of the three ahead.
My boyfriend told me a few years back that he wanted to wait to ask for my hand in marriage when GOD wanted him to ask. How stupid am I to pressure or joke with him about getting married. He is following what God wants him to do and I have lost sight of that. Shame on me. Shame on anyone that interjects their feelings and plans into God's Will that He has for our man! It is hard to do- especially when we live in a fast paced society or don't agree with his ideas. God's plan for us in our lives was to be a help meet for our husbands. Someday I can't wait to be just that. I have such love and respect from my man and I take it for granted! He gives up so much of his free time and life to dedicate it to me- and here I am being the dreaded "nagger".
I think that's why God's plan was for my friend to get married before I did. Not that I should have, I just had it in my mind that I would. How naive. We had been dating longer than their relationship, so I guess in my mind it made sense. Humility. A lesson for me to learn. Plain and simple... yet so hard to take. The devil creeps in and whispers garbage in my ear and foolish me for letting him persuade me to doubt! Listening to them take their vows as husband and wife was definitely humbling. It is not only a union of hearts, but a promise of forever. Not everything will be peaches and roses, but together and with God they will live a blessed life.
My best friend and I on her Bachelorette weekend in Seattle :)
The WEDDING DAY! All of us striking a pose!
Marriage is something to not be taken lightly and I want to be fully ready before I walk down the isle in white to some sappy song that will make everyone cry. :) God knows my heart... He knows the very number of hairs on our head. (Matthew 10:30) I trust that He knows when I'm ready, too! When my day comes for marriage I will be ready- ready to be the wife that God wants me to be.
Proverbs 31:10-31 says:
10. "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12. She will do hi good and not evil all the days of her life.
13. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14. She is like the erchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18. She percieveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
31. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
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