Friday, April 19, 2019

Best Playdough Recipe Ever!

Hello!! I have been extremely MIA lately, and that's just not right! Ha! Since I was last on here, a third kiddo has been added to the group! Presley Rae was born January 4th 2019, at 4 PM. I will have to do a birth story post soon from her birth! 

But first... I have a wonderful rainy day activity for your busy kids! This recipe is so simple, and you are sure to have all of the ingredients right in your own kitchen!


There is a magical secret ingredient to color your dough...wanna know what it is?

Crayola washable markers!!

What kid wouldn't love to squish warm dough in their hands...and color all over it?! Wait. You mean making a mess is ENCOURAGED? 


My kids were so excited to press the markers into the dough, and see different colors appear! I let them mix whatever colors they wanted to, and it was such a blast! I'm pretty sure they spent 2+ hours doing this, and I was able to get alot of house chores done. Win! 

I used coconut oil in this recipe, and it made my kids hands so soft! It helps to not make the salt-dough smell as strong, too! I would say this recipe is a winner!

Soft Playdough Recipe 

1 1/2 cups flour 
 1/4 cup salt
 1 tbsp cream of tartar
 1 tbsp coconut oil 
 1 tbsp veg oil 
 3/4 cups boiling water

 Add dry ingredients to a mixing bowl and stir together. Add the oils. Add the boiling water. Stir together with a spatula then switch and use your hands. Place the dough onto the table and start kneading. If it’s not too hot let your kiddos jump in and squish the dough around. They LOVE to feel soft warm dough squishing through their fingers as it comes together.  

To make the different colors, use washable markers and go to town! Press them into the dough and then knead the color in! Add more for darker, more vibrant colors, or mix to create a unique color! My kids loved this part!