Friday, May 1, 2015

Life's Precious Moments

I sometimes wish that I could capture these moments- right now, right this second- forever. I know that someday I will miss chasing our little guy around and feeling the newest little gal tossing and turning in my tummy. Landon saying, "Mower? Side?" Every time he wants to go outside and just sit on the lawn mower for hours. The mornings where we are all in bed together and Landon wakes up with big, sleepy eyes and says, "Hi, mom!" The countless times I have to turn the car around at the end of the driveway because we forgot one of his trucks. (Even after he already packed 7 or 8 into the car! ha!)
Sometimes, the struggle is real. I don't feel like getting out of bed when Landon is ready to. I don't feel like picking up a trail of a gazillion toys from the living room all the way to our bedroom. I really don't want to trek another load of laundry up and down the stairs to be washed.
But when I think of how blessed I am to have my tiny, growing family, I realize that it is all too soon that these things will be missing from my life. Eventually, Landon and even our unborn little gal will be all grown up and on their own. Someday they won't need me to make the bed or fold their laundry.
As I'm so emotional right now because of my second pregnancy, I do cry about it. A lot. haha I cry because I don't want Landon to grow up. I cry because I love my husband and family so much and I'm so thankful for them. I cry because I burnt something cooking. I cry because I just want to cry. It's pretty pathetic. I'm so thankful that my husband puts up with me! ;)
I just want to offer some quick advice. This is probably one of the shortest posts I've ever posted- but it was just what was on my heart.
Cherish each moment that God gives you with your children, husband and family. Even little tiny ones in the womb can be cherished, and I suggest it! My little man is almost 2, and these past two years has gone by ridiculously fast! Don't forget the way that they hold your finger so tight right after they were born. Don't forget the way that they splash in the tub or make messes all over the house. Because, before too long you will be in the next phase of life and they will be on to the next new things. ;)
Well, what do you know. I am crying again. So I will need to go get a tissue. Darn hormones! haha!