Wednesday, February 26, 2014

No Sleep, EVER.

7:30 PM: Landon goes down for the night.
10:00- I finally wind down after catching up on some things, taking a shower and jump into bed. Not even ten minutes later Landon decides it is a great time to wake up. Oh gosh. He does go back to sleep in a timely fashion, though. Good. Maybe tonight he will sleep well??!!! HA!
12:30- Landon decides to squirm around a bit in his crib and, Lord help me, I wake up (of course) to ANY little peep. He can't quite decide if he want a couple hits of his bottle- so at...
12:45 he is finally (really) asleep.
1:34- Landon wakes up. I think it is too cold. So, after patting his back for a couple of minutes to make sure he is back asleep, I turn up the heater a couple of degrees. LITERALLY, only a couple. I swear.
2:45-The dogs start barking. "SHUT UP!" I want to yell. "Can you be any louder?! Don't you know my baby is sleeping!!" Oh gosh- is that him I hear? I have no idea if it was or not because I'm already drifting off to slllleee...........zzzzzz.
3:30ish- This time when Landon wakes up he is standing up. I'm pretty sure I'm sweating. What? Why is it so stinking hot in here?! He is grasping the edge of his crib and crying with his eyes slammed all the way shut. I swear he is doing this for fun. ha. I lay there for a couple of seconds. I can't take his crying this early in the morning for long- I feel too bad anyhow. Really, at this point I do feel bad. Brad is silent. I peek over at him. Shoot. How can he still be asleep?? Well, a bottle later and Landon is happy as a clam with his little soft breathing and twitchy toes. PLEASE, God, please let him sleep for a while! Meanwhile I feel the need to open every window in the house.. I only turned the heat up two degrees! SERIOUSLY! What in the world?! Brad is practically off the bed at this point with no covers on... and I'm sweating half to death. So I go and turn the thermostat back down.
5:00- Is that my baby?
5:01- Throwing back the covers I practically stomp over to the crib. Seriously?! How can Brad not hear it? I instantly regret feeling angry as I see his little face peeking up at me with his practically white knuckles gripping the edge of the crib. Ok, you won again. Is it just me or is it cold in here now? (Resisting the urge to turn up the heat...)
7:34- (Almost literally on the nose every morning... I can't even begin to know why) I hear giggling. I clamp my eyes shut as long as I can. He starts to smack his open palms on the edge of the crib. "Momma" then... "Dada" is whispered. More smacking on the crib. Then all is quiet. I think, "Do I even dare look at him? Maybe he went back to sleep on his own!" My curiosity is getting the better of me as I take a peek. He instantly flashes me this HUGE toothless grin from between the bars of the crib and says "MOMMA!" In a much louder tone. He stands up and beets on the edge of the crib again. My eyes have crusties and I think I have (drool? Spilled milk, worse?) on my shirt... my eyes refuse to focus but one thing I know....

I pick up my little man and my heart is instantly full. Instantly happy. And Instantly awake. Sleep is over rated, right?

He is my whole world, my #1 fan, the one that I can never get tired of seeing throughout the day. Even though he doesn't sleep well at night- I will gladly get up with him because I love him. I love everything that little boy is. Dirty, stinky and even ornery at times... he is the one that makes my life complete. To see him discover new things- to take joy in some of the smallest details. This, THIS, is what it's all about. THIS is the feeling I really do love! I might look like hell the next morning- heck, even into the afternoon- but I feel honored to take care of the cutest little boy in the world.

Even when 7:30 comes around the next night... I know that it will bring sunshine- in the form of a little Landon.

Over 7,000 Pageviews!!

Wow, you guys!! I just realized that I have OVER 7,000 page views! This is seriously incredible! Thank you so much for your feedback (please keep it coming) and support! You are all awesome!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spinach Pesto Pizza ( and crust recipe!)

We all love comfort food. Mashed potatoes, lasagna, etc... the list could go on! I am tired of the same old stuff though! This pizza is one of my favorites- and can be modified in any way that you wish! I have put feta cheese, sundried tomatoes and Calamata olives! Not to mention its a little healthier than your typical grease bomb!

Easy Pizza Crust
1 packet of instant dry yeast
1 1/2 cups of warm water
1/3 cup of olive oil
4 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of salt

In a small bowl sprinkle the yeast on top of the warm water and let it sit while mixing together the salt and flour in a large mixing bowl.

With an electric mixer on low speed, drizzle in the olive oil until just incorporated.

Gently stir the yeast/water mixture.....

And drizzle it into the flour/oil mixture; mix until the dough forms a ball.

Drizzle a little olive oil into a clean bowl. Toss the dough and turn over to coat in oil.

Let rise in a warm place for two to three hours.

When the dough is risen, sprinkle corn meal onto a pizza sheet to prevent sticking. ( I use a pizza stone)

Using your fingers, gently spread out the dough to desired thickness/size.

Bake on 400ยบ for five minutes or so before putting on the toppings if you are making the spinach pesto version. If you cook it too long the spinach will be super crispy and burnt- that's why I pre-cook my crust about halfway.

Ingredients for Spinach Pesto Pizza Toppings

4-5 handfuls of baby spinach, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon of olive oil
1 jar of basil pesto (you can also use homemade)
1/2 cup of grated mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Use the pesto like a tomato based pizza sauce, and spread to desired thickness over pizza crust.

Toss spinach, olive oil and salt and pepper together in a medium sized bowl until all leaves are very lightly coated with olive oil.

Place on top of basil pesto...and top with mozzarella cheese.

Bake at 400 degrees until cheese is bubbly and browned and spinach is softened.

Cut and enjoy!!