Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eat Right!

Goal #1:  EAT RIGHT.  I don't know why I struggle with the idea... but simply saying "I will eat better" just doesn't work for me.  I have been surrounded with people that cook extremely well my entire life!  Fresh, homemade wonders- straight out of the oven- dabbed with a little butter, drizzled with sweetness or dusted with powdered sugar- either way you shake it, I can't get away from good food.  It is so stinkin' easy to reach for the bag of chips if you are in a hurry, or grab a can of soda or chow on a muffin- but I have made myself a promise to EAT RIGHT!  Not just "homemade" meals (if your family is like mine- the comfort foods my mom makes are the bomb)... but GOOD, HEALTHY, HOMEMADE meals.  So far I haven't really stuck with it (oops... now you know my secret) but I have made some major changes to my eating lifestyle. 

Goal #2:  EAT LESS.  I don't know what it is about the great U. S. of A., but what is the ever increasing need to get everything "Super Sized"?!  Come on, people!  You aren't helping those of us that have THE WORST and SLOWEST metabolisms... of course we want to have everything 24 ounces bigger, but we don't need to!  I DO NOT want to have heart problems when I am older, thank you very much.  I want to be able to run around in the yard with my kids someday and not have to say, "Wait kids... mommy needs to slow down a bit."  I'm not talking about utterly and completely cutting out every single bite of Grandma's pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving dinner, but cutting back on portion size is my goal to consume less BAD, and eat more GOOD.

Goal #3:  SHARE THE WEALTH.  Nothing beats the fresh fruits and vegetables straight from Mother Nature's fridge :)  My parents put in a garden just about every year.  I'm telling you, memories are made with every bean that's snapped, every pea that's shucked, every beet that's pulled.  It's not just about eating "organic"- it's about the family time, the preparation and conservation of food for the winter time through the following year- the FRESHNESS of it all.  You know exactly what you are putting in your mouth- every gram of sugar or pinch of salt.  YOU control what you eat.  This is the same reason why I encourage hunting.  Leaner meats- technically organic, too!  Straight from God's country.  That's the way I like it. ;)  So this season if you have put in a garden or harvested an elk, deer or other game animal- share the wealth!!  Give your neighbors and friends some of your harvest!  Share a couple of venison steaks with them and they will thank you for it!!  Natural, home-grown food is SO good! ;)  I think that most people would see the importance of hunting (TRUE hunting, not trophy hunting) if they were more educated about it!  It's NOT animal cruelty, not savage.  What do you think they do to cows and chickens before they get sent to the super market?  I don't know what they have been fed, what kind of conditions they were living in.  I prefer wild game- free roaming, organic eating- to that any day.  No questions asked. 

Yesterday I canned some experimental stuff.  ;)  I made some (amazing! hehe) salsa that canned up really nicely!  I'm excited to whip it out at the next lunch or dinner that it will go with.  I made a pumpkin pie the other day for the guys down at the Fire Station and that went over really well!  I decided to can some of my own pumpkin pie mix for when I need it.  I bought four cooking pumpkins from the store and after quartering, cleaning and placing them face down on a tin foil covered baking tray- baked them for an hour at 400 degrees F.  I scooped the soft pumpkin away from the rind and put it into a large bowl with ground cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves.  Blending it up... Vola!  Pumpkin pie mix.  Soooo.. now I only have to grab a can of my canned pumpkin and add sweet condensed milk and an egg!! How cool is that?! hehe I'm pretty excited to try it out!
I can't wait to can some more interesting things.. maybe soups will be next.  Either way- I'm on my way to eating healthier, better foods for my body.  By the way- curse you, white chocolate, english toffee latte that I WANT to have with whole milk!! Grrrr.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Elk Camp

When I was 15 years old I received the opportunity to go on an elk hunt in Idaho at the Pine Mountain Ranch.  My dad had been the year before and story after story rang in my ears of elk, campfires and the ever mysterious "elk camp".  Until then I had never been to an elk camp, let alone any hunting camp so I was super excited to say the least.  Packing weeks ahead with plenty of extra socks, winter attire, bullets, camo and I didn't forget the makeup ;) (I got teased relentlessly over it, too) it was finally time to hit the road and make the drive over to Pine Mountain.
Once we arrived we made the switch of vehicles, and we rode in a Gator the rest of the journey. (A LONG ride!) The cold of the wind stung my lungs and made my eyes water to the point of distraction, but I was so excited to be at ELK CAMP! "We are here!" my mind kept screaming and shouting.  It was all I could do to not just jump right up and out of the Gator ;)
The trees parted like the Red Sea as if we were Moses and we kept climbing up and up to where camp was set up.  White tents came into view like whitewashed barn boards.  A lazy tendril of smoke rose from the chimney on the main tent; lunch was almost ready!  We pulled up and parked the Gator and our guide showed us to our own white tent.  Inside two cots were arranged toward the far side and a wood stove was near the doorway. 
The first night we were there another guest at camp needed to take a shower, so Dan, our camp cook went to show him how to operate the water.  (You had to turn on the heat pump- so I found out)  Once it was getting dark I decided to jump in for a quick shower myself, and everyone gave me a deer-in-the-headlights look when I strolled off into the woods for the shower room.  They called after me "Are you sure you know how to work it?"  I thought, "gosh... it's a shower! Pretty much like my best friend! Sheesh!" It was the only room with a water hook up (gravity- fed system) and a heater (run by a generator) so I didn't even think twice about the water heater.  BIG mistake.  BIG, HORRIBLE mistake for sure!  The temperature outside was in the twenties, and with the windchill.. well, you do the math.  Give it a few hours between showers and there you have it- a gigantic pot of ice water.  I turned on the heater and jumped in the shower without even thinking twice.  It felt like sheets of ice pouring out of the faucet- TORTURE! 
Pride got in the way and I stood there like an idiot trying to rinse off the soap in my hair- wanting to make sure that I was in the shower for long enough so people wouldn't ask why it was such a short shower.  So stupid.  Jumping out onto the rug my feet exploded with a thousand needles poking everywhere...the little heater just wasn't putting out enough heat to warm me up!  I wrapped a towel around my head and made it back to the cook tent.  A dozen eyes turned my way and stared- waiting for something.  What?!  The shower was great!  What do you mean, did I turn on the water heater?  Of course! (with lots of snickering and my cheeks turning flaming scarlet)  Well, the truth came out and the next day I had a hot shower.  So very nice ;)
Three days into the hunt we finally found some elk!  We could hear them bugling back and forth and shivers tickled up my spine at the eerie sound.  We made our way up a hill and just on the other side of the ridge some elk had been spotted!  My heart thumping  in my chest, our guide angled the Gator towards the rise.  It was so cold and my eyes just wouldn't stop watering!  I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to see an elk even if it was five feet away from us!  Our guide stopped the Gator and my eyes grew like large saucers when the massive rack started to crest over the top of the hill.  So quiet, majestic, King of the Forest.  He made his way up and stood perfectly broad-side just over the top of the hill.  I shot three times and he went down. 
Touching his shoulder with one hand and leaning over to grab his horns with the other, I posed for pictures with a breathtaking view at my back.  Snow covered peaks rose up with angry jutting points to meet an icy blue sky.  Naked trees stripped of their leaves stood out against those that had not.  It was a dream; an experience that I will NEVER forget! 
After skinning and properly bagging the meat, we all sat down to a hot meal and the stars came out bright that night.  The northern lights even made their presence known!  A truly fantastic adventure; every moment worth a thousand words!

The bull I shot with a 7mm 08- scored 378 0/8

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Update ;)

Whew!  This last weekend was a real whirlwind!  It wasn't overly busy, but it just seemed that it flew right on past!  On Friday some classmates of my brother came over and worked out some of the games that they are planning for an event; I believe they dubbed it 'The ALMOST Amazing Race' or something to that effect.  Brows furrowed and pencils scratched as ideas took flight and became plans.  Except for the tomahawk throwing and gasoline bombs... the parents stepped in for the veto of that one.  Some of the parents came over and visited while their children were inflicting pain in the form of an air soft war hehe.   Once the sun went over the hills, (and at only eight o'clock...thanks alot, Mother Nature) we played a game of 'find-the-kid-in-the-bushes-or-some-dark-spot' and my brother's friends were nice enough to let me join.  Running barefoot over rocks, pine cones, pine needles, grass, dirt, the occasional slug, (and who knows what else.. yikes!) we finally called it quits after everyone had bruised feet and blackberry scratches.  It was such a blessing to run like a wild child and be like a little kid again.  ;)
My boyfriend, brother and I went and got hay for my horsey yesterday afternoon.  It was quite comical to see the huge 500+ pound round bale getting ready to pitch over the side of his truck at every curve of the road or pothole that we (I think purposely) hit ;)  I love my man... he puts up with so may of my "pets"... playing fetch endlessly with a 90 pound bear of a dog, bucking bales of hay and even going so far as to play with the feather and little bell on a stick with the kittie (not so manly hehe) thank you honey!! ;) My little guy is much happier having a bale inside now... no more battles with the rain!

My Caesar boy and I on a sunny day (he wasn't shed out then...yuck! lol)

I love my little man!

Vera girl :) She is my kitty that we rescued.

And this is "Little", as we like to call her.  Vera's baby... technically her name is Harley :)

Toby is a rescue as well, he is just over a year old and such a handsome man! Don't you think? 

This morning before work I ran into Wal Mart (insert cheesy musical theme song here... da da daaaa) to get some things for tonight's dinner.  My boyfriend's mom gave me a recipe for soup just like the kind they have at Olive Garden.  It's my boyfriend's favorite- so I'm going to surprise him with dinner and a homemade pumpkin pie for dessert!! Homemade whipped cream... vanilla ice cream... oh boy! Better start P90X up before to long- my hips like battleships, or like a step-side Chevy truck are going to be back!! hehee  I also picked up some little pumpkins (I'm going to attempt different stuff for canning this year) and tomatoes, onions, cilantro, etc. for homemade salsa to can as well!! :0 yum!

This morning I was channel surfing on the radio (the MOST annoying thing ever unless you are the one doing it, of course), and I tuned into 105.3, K-Love.   I have the habit of listening to something and changing it as soon as mindless talk comes on, but this morning it held me captive.  Voice after voice told their story of how God had blessed them this past year, month, week and how their love for God is stronger than ever before.  Tears welled up and threatened to spill over at the stories flowing out of my speakers. 
Yesterday in church my dad did a special service where we sang and took prayer requests as usual, but then he let his congregation, one by one, get up and speak of how God had blessed them this last week.  That was the sermon; no fancy frills, no finger pointing in your face.  Plain and simple, just the way I believe it was meant to be that day.  Stories of new jobs, a life preserved in a terrible accident, babies born, witnessing opportunities- story after story just lifted my heart right up out of my chest.  So this morning when I heard all of the wonderful things on 105.3 it was so amazing to hear testimonies of God's works in other people.  He is REAL... someone that people take for granted more often than not.  Someone that I even take for granted. 
When the songs this morning on the radio started playing it kicked me right in the shin, spit on my neck and punched me in the gut.  What an idiot I am to not witness more!  How foolish of me to hide what I believe!  It is hard to get up out of your cozy comfort zone and pass out a tract, or tell others about the wonderful news of Jesus- I know!  I've been there, done that.  My goal is to shine with His Light and reach people, not just with words, but actions as well.  Hold me to it- I don't want to be the one to pass up an opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ!  It grieves me to think of how many people will die and never know my Father, to never know what it would be like to have Jesus holding and comforting you. 
This is a song by Leeland I listened to this morning... hopefully it will inspire you, the same way it did for me!

You lived among the least of these
The weary and the weak
And it would be a tragedy for me to turn away.

All my needs you have supplied.
When I was dead you gave me life.
How could I not give it away so freely?

And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World.

Use my hands, use my feet
To make your kingdom come
Through the corners of the earth
Until your work is done
'Cause Faith without works is dead
And on the cross your blood was she'd
So how could I not give it away so freely?

And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken.
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World

I give all myself.
I give all myself
I give all myself... to you.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remember When

This morning I was blessed to watch the sun rise.  (As with the last three mornings) It is so beautiful with all of it's character and colors; almost makes me wonder if God secretly wants to be an artist.... It is literally like a pillow-top bed that is upside down on the ceiling.  The clouds are so thick and fluffy- makes me want to go back to bed and pull my down comforter back up over my head... or eat them.. either way. ;)  It amazes me every time that the colors can be so breath taking; the scarlet, purple, orange, yellow, pink... literally every time I have the same thoughts.  Funny that something so "simple" can make you stare for hours. 
     When my brother and I were little we were always outside building forts.  I know this has nothing to do with clouds... but bear with me ;)  He was always the engineer of the operation; sawing things with dad's power tools pretty much before he could walk hehe.  We would sit and plan for hours what we were going to design that day... and for the most part he let me design just about anything that I wanted and he would be so happy to saw off limbs and nail together sticker boards for our "deer fence".  We constructed elaborate fences to keep out our most loyal companion, "Jazzy", and the deer... yet still the deer would knock it down or Jazz would just come around the other side.  We also concocted a BBQ pit of sorts.  Every Cowgirl and Indian duo knew it was a very important staple in the "woods life".  It consisted of river rocks (sorry, environmentalists) that we collected from the creek, and was patched together with a mixture of river clay, mud and grass.  It worked like a charm.  With pots from Mom's kitchen and Top Ramen "borrowed" from the pantry, we set off to start a fire in our new pit and make us some lunch.  Keep in mind that this was in the MIDDLE of a HEAVY WOODED forest.  Smart. 
So, twenty-something hours later we finally had boiling water... from then on we graduated to smores... WAY less cooking time.  ;) 
Across the way from our fences and lean-to's there was a big grassy area by a stump (perfect for King or Queen of the hill) and there was a huge huckleberry bush that grew right out of the middle.  I remember one day sitting down to eat our spoils (huckleberrys) and there were clouds of every size and shape in the sky.  We laid on our backs and started pointing out different animals and such.  It's funny because I don't really remember how long we laid there, but I remember the feeling of complete and utter peace.  Peace from the "daily grind" (that kids wouldn't even know about at that age, but anyhoo...), peace from chores, from homework, and from TIME.  Pointing out Bears and Abraham Lincoln was all that occupied our minds.  It was the best.
For some reason I still think of mystical creatures and good ol' Abe any time I look into the sky's puffy cotton candy clouds.  This time there is such a thing as WORK and LIFE now, but what my brother and I shared can never be taken away from us.  The simpleness of it all... the feeling that nothing mattered in the world.. not even potentially burning down the forest. :) My brother and I haven't gone out into the woods to make forts in such a long time, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten about it.  It's something about the memories that keep you  ALIVE and GOING in the daily nothingness. 

Maybe when I get home he can drag out the power tools....

My brother and I with Dad's elk

Through thick and thin... We're thick as thieves hehe

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach.....

Hunter... There's just something about that name.  It means camo..... ruggedness..... stealth.  It means hard work, athleticism and the smell of the Great Outdoors.  One thing I've learned over the years from my mom is EVERY man likes home-cooked meals... and what better way to make your man happy than to cook up the deer or elk he just harvested during hunting season?!  I have made this recipe for different folks; city kids, cowboys... you name it-  I'm pretty sure their heart goes pitter pat with every bite ;)

Crock-Pot Pepper Steak
Serves: 6-8       Prep Time: 15 minutes           Cooking Time: 10 to 11 hours

For a great meal, serve over rice or noodles with cornbread and a salad!
  • 2 lbs. venison steak (deer or elk)
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil (approx.)
  • 1 can (14 1/2 oz.) tomatoes, undrained
  • 2 green bell peppers, sliced
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 6 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons molasses
  • salt and pepper
Cut steak into strips and dredge with flour.  In medium skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking.  Brown venison strips in small batches, transferring to slow cooker as they are browned.  In small bowl, combine tomatoes, peppers, onion, mushrooms, soy sauce, molasses, and salt and pepper to taste.  Mix well.  Pour mixture over venison.  Cover and cook on HIGH for 1 hour, then reduce heat to LOW and cook for 9 to 10 hours longer.


Which came first?  Do cowboys and country kids love ranch dressing because it's called "ranch dressing"?  Or did the name arise from the fact that cowboys and country kids love it?  lol  This homemade version of the classic salad dressing is oh-so-good.......
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 cup real mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup milk or buttermilk, depemding or how thick you want the dressing
  • 1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
  • 1/2 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Sprinkle the salt over the garlic.  With a fork, mash the garlic and salt together to make a paste.  The finer the better, as the garlic is very strong in the finished dressing.  All all the dressing ingredients to a bowl.  Stir together gently, adjusting the seasonings as needed.  Make the ranch dressing all yours - add in more of what you like.  Chill the dressing for at least 2 hours before serving.  Thin with milk if needed. 

I thought that I would include a couple of great recipes for your taste buds to try out.  With all this talk of hunting season right around the corner... my mouth starts to water when I think of all the wonderful meals that will be made!! ENJOY!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Genesis 27:3 states: "Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison;" (There ya go, bow hunters!!)  ;)
Last night my significant other and I were driving out to my parent's house after running a couple of calls with the Fire Department.  I had a huge pizza and chocolate mousse cake on my lap (So sorry, skinny jeans!) to bring back and eat with some friends and my family.  We were jabbering a hundred miles a minute about hunting and such. (so is the context of most conversations this time of year hehe) All of a sudden like a squirrel on a nut we started seeing deer!  They were coming out of the woodworks like ants; all trying to get dinner in before the "eye of the storm" left and eating succulent little greens would be out of the picture due to excessive rain-fall Washington is just so grateful to bless us with. 
Doe after doe was out in every field and lots of yearlings and this year's fawns.  We came around a corner and there was a little spike buck staring at us like we took candy from him.  Slowing down both of our eyes were fixed on the buck... woo hoo!!! Finally we see one!! ;)  Off the road a ways movement catches our eyes and we see two other bucks fighting!  They were just little forked horns, but it was still a sight that makes me even more excited for hunting season. 

I have seen elk fighting before and they are so majestic with their huge racks crashing at each other - but there was something different in seeing the little bucks going for it.  Their women standing not far from them, batting their little doe eyelashes.  (I'm sure they snicker amongst each other... how could you not at two little bucks like that?!)  The little spike looked like he wanted to join in; ready to show just how masculine he really was. 

This was my first deer ever... I was so excited; nothing can replace the feeling of your first big game animal!

With my lap burning off because off the hot pizza, we tear our eyes off of Mr. Buck and keep on truckin' down the road.  Soon, soon we can start hunting....
Acts 10:13 "And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat." (Enough said.) So with deer season just around the next bend, I will take God's word to heart... You could interject my name in there..."Rise, Maleah; kill, and eat." ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me, The Real Girl

I went to public school from pre-school until fourth grade.  My parents decided to pull me out of school and HOMESCHOOL from fifth grade to Senior.  I was not fond of that idea.  I cried about not seeing any kids any more, and for peats sake... even the teachers!  But one thing I will never cry over- the fact that I am a REAL GIRL. 
Growing up and being schooled at home meant learning how to cook, how to sew and many other wonderful "household" trades.  Science experiments, grammar lessons and mathematics were also on the long list of subjects of study.  To say the least, I was obsessed with Lord of the Rings (lol) and "prairie life"- anything to do with Laura Ingals Wilder was right up my alley. 

See... I wasn't telling a fib...

 At the beginning of every school year my mom would write "Welcome to the First Day of School", then the year, on the chalkboard in our school room and my brother and I would stand in front (with our Guineapig and Cockatiel ha ha) for her to take a picture. 
When I was going into 9th grade my parents decided to enroll me in a private Christian school, Academy Northwest, aka Lewis County Learning Center.  I met alot of wonderful students, parents and teachers during the four years of Highschool that I attended there.  
In my mind I thought that a REAL GIRL should be someone that is confident in who she is, beautiful not just one the outside, but also on the inside.  A woman that doesn't care what others say about her, is always on time, has a gazillion friends, all the guys flock to her and is a wonderful mentor for all.  Or so I thought.  Think about it- Who could really be all that, ALL the time?!  Through trial and error I realized truly what a REAL WOMAN is; Proverbs 31 explains just that.  When I was younger I tried so hard to make myself into something that I thought the world would love.  Someone that everyone would want to be friends with.  But SUPRISE..... life never works out the way that you want it to.  That's why it's called life!  
I tried to "fit in" and look like "one of the guys" so that the guys that I had crushes on would notice me.  Big, fat, STUPID mistake for sure!! Now that God brought me to be with the man of my dreams I realize that putting on makeup and wearing GIRL clothes is a GOOD thing!!  I was trying so hard to be someone on the outside that I just wasn't... and besides, what man would want to look at his girlfriend that looks like, well another man?! lol ;)  The first time I met my love it was at an Archery Range, and true enough, I was there actually to shoot, not to check out the other guys. lol  But keep in mind that even though I love to hunt and camp and all sorts of other outdoor activities- I still get up an extra half-hour early to throw on some makeup for the deer in the woods at five in the morning :)  I am so thankful for waiting to see who God would bring into my life!  He brought me my perfect balance... someone that appreciates me for just me.  No strings attached.  Period.  He loves me for all my faults and faliures, my clumsiness, my scatter-brained ideas, the rabbit trails that I talk, and the endless phone conversations that I drag out just because I want to keep hearing his voice.  
Now that I am older I appreciate the REAL GIRL that God has made me to be... full of failures and mistakes; HE still loved me enough to die for me- Now THAT'S what I call love.  No strings attached.  Period.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you are about to embark on an adventure?  PROCRASTINATION.  There it is, I said it.  No one wants to admit it, but the majority of us procrastinate way to much when it comes to planning ahead for events.  Just about every year Summer comes along, and, no surprise here... so does Fall.  There is always a mad rush to buy tags and make sure that your hunting gear is all in tact and skinning knives are located.  Finally OPENING MORNING comes along and excitedly you jump in the truck and bomb down the road to pick up your other hunting partners.  All of a sudden a sick feeling comes along- OH NO! My binoculars!  I left them at home, along with my bullets!! Grrrrr.... Every year it is always the same routine... so why can't I get it right?! 

Along with the rain and shedding of leaves, hunting season is finally here!!!  I can not even believe it, but soon I will hopefully be holding a monstrous rack for a photograph and my fellow friends and family will be enjoying delicious steaks on the BBQ. :)  IF everything goes as planned, of course.

Procrastination is the devil... it sneaks up on us every time, no warnings, no remorse.  But not this year, no not this year one bit.  I woke up this morning to the sound of rain.  Not just any rain, but the kind that only Washington State sees. (pretty much all year round)  The kind that makes me dread fixing my hair at all in the morning for fear that it will just *poof* suddenly blow up with frizz and look so terrible that people won't even want to tip at the coffee stand. hehe.... My eyes flew open and I looked at the clock- 7:16 AM... ugh... I'm not a morning person! (Except for getting up for hunting, of course) ;)  But one thing is different this year.  I can't explain it, but instead of rolling my eyes at rain drops falling on my head, I am practically jumping for joy!  It hit me that Autumn is here!!! Long gone are my thoughts of laying out and getting a deep butter-nut tan; instead my thoughts are filled with stalking Mr. Bambi.  Yessiree... little deer you better watch out!  I am coming for you, and this time I haven't PROCRASTINATED one bit.  Not even a little.  All of my camo is folded neatly and washed (but not smelling like Tropical Rain lol), my binoculars are located and tags are bought.  My gun is cleaned and sighted in, boots are water-proofed, hunter orange is dragged out of the closet and all of my skinning knives are sharpened, thank you very much.  With a little victory dance I am finally ready to take on hunting season...

Bambi, I'm coming for you!

Me with the biggest buck you've seen, right? haha I shot this by myself and a friend was driving by and helped me load it into my mom's Lexus... yep.. her car! haha Skinned and gutted it by myself, too. :)